Time of Testing...........[.....and the olive - TopicsExpress


Time of Testing...........[.....and the olive tree....] _____________________________________________ God out of LOVE casts us in the FIRE ......................as Gold IS PURIFIED .................................................... and he casts us in the ground as SEED and coal ............................................................. so that so that we may become ESSENCE -drawn out HIS essence we become as SEED PLANTED and GLORY RISEN WE ARE HIS FOREVER....... [and the produce of the OLIVE TREE, squeeze ... squeeze..... squeeze...... squeeze until the instrument BREAKS, and yields the essence.....................] so I ask what power WHAT power? what power can the oppressor have over us? as he attempts to bring us down? his cross no HIS cross draws blood no HIS BLOOD cant you see that, oppressor you lie in the dust of defeat, for your every move is puppeterred by the GRAND MASTER the GRAND MASTER of all puppeterring you a tool yes, even you, are a tool a tool, you have become, in MY MASTERs hand, used to, used to draw, to draw ............................................. HONEY, out of the LION OF JUDAH................................ that you think that you think you crucified...................................................... Pauls beheading Jeannes torching Peters crossing upside down BAPTIZER-head-on-platter sacrifice Georges torture all chisels in the Master Puppeterrings Hand the chisel that carves, because the MASTERS love is too great to hold it.................................................... NO greater love exits in the UNIVERSE, which defies comprehension, unless you experience the torture of the oppressor and the the RELEASE , forcible of that chisel, from that wicked-hand BY GODS LOVING HAND..... HONEY ONLY COMES AFTER THE TORTURE... if you can take it then you can make it [the unbroken] [misnamed, really broken a million times, and ARISEN every time]..................... ONLY CHRIST I ask only that you re-enforce you RE-ENFORCE our weak RESOLVE our weakening resolve......................... RE-Enforce our WILL, with YOURS, REPLACE SUPERIMPOSE SUPPLANT supersede our weak and lacking will, with yours....... STRENGTHEN our agility, QUICKEN our posture Fasten our STEP LET YOUR COUNTENANCE SHINE NEW CREATION YOURS LORD, even though ELIJAH felt alone, Let HIM sense the presence of your so great a cloud of witnesses TAKE ELIJAH, like the wind of Phillip..... LORD OF HOSTS.....[in the face of the jezebels....] like the STRENGTH of 1,000,000 CHARIOTS at your command and behest..... to be translated in your courage, to do your good pleasure.... let not anarch take our HOMELAND let it shine........................................ as a TORCH...................................... we are the smallest of all nations...... YOUR SHINING LIGHT to all nations......... let LOVE shine through, the airy-mist of deception.................................... let all see through this mist.... by your own SIGHT and vision....... and let YOUR WILL BE DONE........................... for who are we to instruct, but that we are INSTRUCTED OF YOU........ OH LORD GOD OF HOSTS AND OF ALL CREATION..........
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 03:21:48 +0000

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