Time of preparation Heart of a Warrior – “Besides this, - TopicsExpress


Time of preparation Heart of a Warrior – “Besides this, knowing the time, it is already the hour for you to wake up from your sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than we first believe.” Roman 13:11 How prepared are you to meet the Lord? The question seems relatively simple, you are or you’re not? I am not talking about whether you are a Christian and have made a decision for Christ at some point in your life. Let’s put it another way. If you said you were a runner, but you had not trained in 6 months, would you be ready to run a race the next day or the next week? No way. It takes preparation. So, if Jesus shows up in your life for an assignment or a heavy duty trail comes your way, are you ready? I think the answer is revealed within the training you do or don’t do. I have trained with weights for 35 years, my body has been in training mode for 3 and half decades. My body has muscle memory, it has strength if I need it for any reason, and it can defend itself against an intruder if it needs to. It’s called training and there is some benefit that scripture refers to, “For while bodily training is of some value” 1 Timothy 4:8a. There is more that the Lord requires of us than just physical training, “godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and the one to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8b. There is the inner man that I better train as well as the physical man. When you evaluate how you’re spending your time and energy, are you giving some time for the inner-man to get stronger? It will be what you need when the enemy comes knocking, it will be what you need to fall back on in times of hardship, it will be the reserves you draw from when trails find your zip code. You can’t fake it when those times come. You will be exposed for your lack of preparation, or you will deal with those issues and overcome. You will be found lacking or you will press through and become stronger. God has said there is some heavy duty stuff that we are going to have to contend with in this world, “I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have sufferings in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” John 16:33. Jesus said, ‘In Him” you can combat the sufferings of this world. Being in Christ and knowing the assurance it brings comes with the time you spend in building your faith, preparation time. Time with the Father, in His word, time in prayer and time in fasting. It’s like steroids for the inner-man. Time to pack on some muscle for the inner-man. Train like a warrior in Christ. SDG58-DAD-10-12-14
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:38:22 +0000

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