Time spent hearing and worshiping God can never be taken away, for - TopicsExpress


Time spent hearing and worshiping God can never be taken away, for it is time spent in eternal pursuits, time that earns permanent and everlasting dividends. Every believer may and must have his time when he is indeed alone with God. The impact of your ministry will be in direct proportion to the time you spend with God. The are so many blessings that come with prayer such as a deeper relationship with God,Greater Purity, Confidence in making decisions, improved relationships, Contentment, God-Confidence and so much more.. There isn’t time or space to list the many blessings that can be ours as we pray. As woman after God’s heart we need to cultivate a servant spirit, this helps us to be more like Christ as we esteem others.. especially those who are married, you are on an assignment from God to help your husband, and you can achieve this by asking your husband everyday,”What can l do for you today?” As woman after God’s heart your husband is to be number one in your life (after God) and he needs to know it and everybody else needs to know it too. As a mother you are the number one influence in your children’s lives. Your husband and children are to take priority over all other human relationships and responsibilities. Don’t give away to others what you have not first given at home. God will honor the time we commit to learning more about Him, the time we find, redeem, save, allow and schedule for our spiritual growth. The time we spend in solitude with our bible and our prayer list, our secret life spent with our heavenly father, is time spent waiting upon the Lord. Then, in the fullness of time, In God’s perfect timing, there is mounting up, taking flight like that eagle in Isaiah 40:31. We are able to soar because we have been with the Lord.. You have more to give to your neighbor if you regularly place yourself before God and let Him grow you, strengthen you, transform you!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 22:03:42 +0000

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