Time to blow a mind: The Universes Dimensionality. Scientists - TopicsExpress


Time to blow a mind: The Universes Dimensionality. Scientists state tat te universe must consist of at least ten dimensions. Either two 4D universes consisting of 3 of normal space and one of hypersace separated by a 2D brine or barrier or soe configeration with just one universe. Nw to BLOW YOUR MIND: A point is one dimensional and square 2D, cube 3D anda tesseract 4D. a Tesseractwould appear asa cube because humans cannot perceive the rest of its mass and could not interact with it. Now if ou put a dot on a piece f paper that is one dimensional and you can only really create 2D images that seem to have 3D properties. but on a comuter you can create a true 3D vertual object from an initial point…and a 3D world like in a video game! Ou create 3D universes when you programa game and if you allowed for natural propegation and enough rocessing power you could create a virtual universe! The human mind has such power so if you gathered enough peope you create a virtual and self propegating universe tat would expand as long as you added new conciousness! Here is the kikcker: ANY AI CONSTRUCTS WOULD PERCEIVE THEIR REALITY AS THE ONLY ONE WITH SUFFICIENT AI. WHAT IF OUR UNIVERSE WERE REALLY A GAME FOR 4D HYPERDIMENSIONAL BEINGS? INTHIS INSTANCE GOD IS A GAMER. GAMERS LOVE TO TROLL AND MAY NOT PERCEIVE USAS TRE CONCIOUSNESS SINCE WECOULD NOT INTERACT WITH HIM. Good luck gathering your mind. Also maybe think twice before randomly killig those npcs in Fallout nd Skyrim. Because I am pretty sure we here are all random npcs too.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 15:35:33 +0000

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