Time to change. My theme for the rest of this year: MORE Its - TopicsExpress


Time to change. My theme for the rest of this year: MORE Its time to not ask or wish for more of myself. Its time to DEMAND more of myself. More influence. More presence. More production. More freedom. More fun. More love. More money. More joy. More energy. More fulfillment. My mom and dad are watching from heaven. They were always proud of me and my results. But parents have an ability to believe in us more than we could ever believe in ourselves. To see more greatness in us than we can see in ourselves. And to love us more than we could ever love ourselves. Its time for me to borrow THEIR belief in me. THEIR vision of me. And THEIR love of me. For me that means to risk more. To have more boldness. To have more calculated recklessness. To have more foolish courage. To have more fearful love. I commit to trying to do more of what Im scared Im not capable of doing, for its a tragedy to never witness your own greatness. To try for the sake of trying. To cry when my heart wants to, no matter who is watching. To sit calmly inside my fear, breathing it in instead of trying to make it go away. My inner child doesnt need me to achieve all of our dreams, but he needs to know he can count on me to fight for every last one. Unchased dreams of the heart become nightmares of the soul. I didnt win is forgivable. I didnt try is not. We have an obligation to do everything we can to squeeze every ounce of talent and ability out of ourselves. There are people on this planet who will never have the opportunities or physical abilities we take for granted. There are children in this world who will die before you finish reading this passage. Live for them. Love for them. Cry for them. Get up and keep trying for them. In our final moments we wont care about our accomplishments. Well only care about our effort. And I have MORE effort to give. I dont know why you or I werent given the lives of those less fortunate than us. I dont know why God spared my life and gave me a second chance when I was 13 years old and run over by a car. I dont know why Ive been given perfect mental and physical health, while others havent. I dont know why I was lucky enough to have my parents love and support for 38 years, while some people never know theirs. I dont know why I had a blissful childhood, while others suffered unimaginable grief and pain. I dont know why my children were given to me with no defects or disease, while other parents arent so fortunate. I dont know why Ive been blessed with the most amazing wife, while others struggle to find their true love. I dont know why any of this has happened to me, but I do know that I havent done enough with what Ive been given. Many people tell me they are proud, inspired or even impressed by what Ive accomplished. And while I truly receive and appreciate that praise, heres the truth. I have MORE. When I look myself in the mirror, I see MORE. In my heart, there lies MORE. In these tears streaming down my face this very moment, there swims MORE. I have music inside me that nobody has heard yet. Not even myself. And that would be the biggest sin against my creator - keeping silent the songs that are mine to sing. Its time to change. Its time to give MORE. Its time to risk MORE. Its time to love MORE. Its time to live MORE. Its time to help MORE. Its time to be MORE. How about you? If this resonates with you, join the MORE movement. Write your own declaration of MORE. What will you be, do or have MORE of? What will you demand MORE of from yourself? Post it to your wall and inspire your friends to do the same. Lets start demanding MORE of ourselves as parents, children, friends, creators, brothers and sisters. To MORE...
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:09:19 +0000

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