Time to rant... The pictures below are of my much loved and missed - TopicsExpress


Time to rant... The pictures below are of my much loved and missed Grandparents (My Fathers Side) who I am proud to say are Italian. Both were orphaned in Italy as very young children and came to this great Country not knowing each other with very little hope but big dreams. There was no way they knew what to expect here but they came here to achieve their American dream LEGALLY. They went through the system at Ellis Island LEGALLY. My grandfather even fought in the war for this Country that gave him a chance to reach his dream which he did. NOW you Limp Wristed, Knuckle Dragging, Snail Crawling, Thieving, Baby Murdering, Child Molesting,Muslim Obama Voting Not Once But Twice YOU MAGGOTS, Woman Raping, Low Information Anti American, probably banged your mom while your dad was masterbating touching your sister, Libtard Demorats want illegals to just waltz in and get Legal Status without doing it the right way. You want to allow the scumbags like yourselves to take away LEGAL Hardworking American Jobs to trash like yourselves so they will vote Demorat in the future. You tarnish the memory of great people like my Italian Grandparents and most great Americans Families so you can destry what was built in this great Country. If you allow this half & half Muslim Brotherhood Murderer to allow this may you all reap what you sow.......
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 17:16:50 +0000

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