Time travel Yeah yeah you are all masters of it. Gravity field - TopicsExpress


Time travel Yeah yeah you are all masters of it. Gravity field density slows the rate at which it is experienced The planet moves The star moves Hmm The star is in the process of becoming heavier as it fuses lighter elements into heavier ones. Heavier elements are only formed in super blue giants and type II super nova. The gravetomagnetic field (J x H) must rotate due to the normalized spin of the elements being fused. Angular momentum (ω) as the elements become heavier is conserved due to conservation laws and phase transition laws. ⌠ φ E δT= .... ⌡ Additionally the movement of the electric field (§edt) causes the magnetic field to expand due to harmonics and stability modes that form in the plasmas. The transference of energy is done through the photonic medium. So where did time come into this? If flying discs manipulate the time dimension of space time as is thought by Col. Corso the frame of reference must be taken into account. The Roswell Incident of 1947 was believed to be connected to the Red Canyon incident of 1957. This is due to the geographic proximity of the crashes vehicles No mention is made about trajectories and matching damaged zones of the spaceframes The crashes happen 10 years apart, which is a lot of angular movement of the gravity field Where is my maths?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 22:17:19 +0000

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