Timeless Being: There is no time. It is a fiction supported by - TopicsExpress


Timeless Being: There is no time. It is a fiction supported by memory. Consider timelessness through the example of a night time dream. In a dream, a long time can elapse, for the sake of argument, let’s say 6 months. Upon awakening it is realized that only a few moments have passed. This illustrates the illusionary aspect of time, as, when we wake up, we see that the time passing in the dream was fictional. Now, assume that the few moments that passed in the waking state are within consciousness, presence, and assume that the 6 months of the dream are any period in time and space of the waking state. Every time we go back to consciousness we enter timelessness. It creates the illusion of time while existing outside of time. Just as the dream state is different than the waking state, consciousness is a place from which the apparent movement of time can be noticed. Consciousness does not itself move in time. In the night dream, there is only one mind involved, the mind of the dreamer. Though I interact with many characters within the night dream, I have access to only one mind. The waking state dream is a different animal in that, it is a multi minded dream. As consciousness, we have access to all minds at any given time, but, we choose to disregard all but one of them in the interest of completely enjoying the experience of this mind. And, actually, this is exactly what happens in the night dream: In the night dream, we create all of the characters and events but experience them only thru one character. Events we did not expect surprise us, even though we, as the dreamer, created them. We become excited and afraid because we have forgotten that we actually created them! The spiritual value of the night dream state is that it illustrates to us how the waking dream state operates with illusion. At some point we realize that we are the creator (Brahma), sustainer (Vishnu) and the destroyer (Shiva) 0f all objects in consciousness. Just as the characters and objects of the night dream seem real to us when under the spell of sleep, the same illusion holds true under the power of Maya, even when we realize that we are creating it all along. It could be said that the night dream is powered by mind and Maya creates the waking dream state. In a playful manner, consciousness makes it utterly real. This world, which seems to be real, is a well-orchestrated dream. The day waking dream has the appearance of consistency from day to day. This is because gross matter vibrates at a much lower frequency than that which prevails at the level of mind, the subtle state. This gives the appearance of durability. What the mind serves up are images designed to entertain consciousness. The mind never sees ‘the thing in itself’. The ‘thing in itself’ has no shape, no form, no color and no properties. This is not to deny it’s relative reality, but to put things in proper perspective. Science has an abundance of evidence to support this conclusion. Since ‘the thing in itself’, the reality of all things, has the same absence of properties that consciousness has, it is not a quantum leap to conclude they are the same. We don’t wake up from the waking dream simply because, when invited, we don’t really want to. This dream is very compelling. There is a common misunderstanding that when ‘one wakes up” form the waking state dream, that the dream goes away and, in it’s place, a better one emerges. In actuality, the dream simply continues as it did before; Maya does not change. The difference is that we now know Maya as Maya and that the body/mind is involved. We enter a new phase of life: it is similar to lucid dreaming. The dream does not go away. The only thing that changes is our recognition of the illusion, that what we experience is not the ultimate reality of what we are. This allows us to become playful and approach life as a celebration. We live in the timeless moment and the contentment of our aloneness, permitting the mind to chatter on since we are no longer married to it.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 05:10:00 +0000

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