Times are changing. Of the total number of ballots cast in Texas, - TopicsExpress


Times are changing. Of the total number of ballots cast in Texas, only 0.2% were provisional. How can claims of disenfranchisement be accurate when the numbers tell a different story? Its because the race-baiters have never had anyone call them out for their bogus claims. Just the accusation of racism used to be enough to force their will on others. Times are changing. The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations By Anita MonCrief On a crisp fall Tuesday afternoon in Houston, Election Day 2013 commenced with a quiet dignity reminiscent of the past. In black communities, the right to vote and the opportunity to participate in elections is still viewed to be especially precious, with many voters coming to the polls dressed in their Sunday best. Even still, the undercurrent of tension was undeniable, as the Department of Justice, civil rights groups, and local and mainstream media combed through communities, just hoping to find an angry voice willing to confirm the story theyd been spinning for months; that Texas new voter ID law was bound to disenfranchise tens of thousands - maybe more. On Election Day I manned a True the Vote NEED ID? table at a voting location, along with another volunteer, to help inform voters about the new law ... and as Election Day progressed, I witnessed the real truth about voter ID. Times are changing. Upon arriving, we were greeted cautiously by other poll workers. Since we were unaffiliated with any campaign, we were accepted as non-threatening and approachable, which was a wonderful. Curiosity about our NEED ID? materials led to conversations with several of the poll workers, one of whom, a .... woman in her fifties, questioned why a group like NEED ID? even needed to exist. She pointed out that the people in that community have photo IDs and she was insulted by the claims that they need help: [L]ord save us from these white folks who think we cant do anything without them, she jocularly exclaimed. For years, Ive seen the soft bigotry of low expectations dominate the anti-voter ID crowd. When race-baiters and poverty pimps like Eric Holder and Al Sharpton parrot the ideology that blacks need special consideration and accommodations to vote, it sends a message that is both inherently bigoted and paternalistic. When my partner and I tried to hand out material on what was required to vote, we were often met with, Ive got my ID right here, I always have it. People readily admitted to having an ID for other things besides voting. Many agreed that voter ID made elections more secure and admitted that less important actions required ID.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 11:11:08 +0000

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