Timing is everything in politics is not just a cliche. It can be a - TopicsExpress


Timing is everything in politics is not just a cliche. It can be a true premise depending on the weight of the prominent factors of its time. The Republican Party is taking over majority control at a time when the economy is showing signs that it is at a tipping point of a recovery. Economic expansion results in more good, and better paying jobs for people. A lot of political experts have said that the 2014 general election was about an anti-incumbent mood among the electorate. That might or might not be true. I happen to think 2014 was more about an unpopular president than any other political factor. My own political analysis leads me to a near-certain conclusion that we are one or two elections cycles away from a real anti-incumbent election. 2016 will be a test of whether voters will cast informed votes for political candidates or their partisan parties based on records of accomplishments that are tangible, practical and relevant in peoples daily lives. If 2016 isnt that kind of election; then 2018 will most certainly be an anti-incumbent election if the incumbents in office do not wake up and start focusing on the bread-and-butter economic issues that impact people in real ways, like better paying jobs as one example. The Republican Party has a great opportunity to show the American voter that they get it; that their actions are about passing legislation that are firmly focused on the economy. Put the wedge issues aside that are not the priorities American voters want to see and instead, make the economy the top and first priority. Should the Republican Party listen to the voter and do as the voter wants them to do, they will remain a majority party for several election cycles.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 13:01:02 +0000

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