Tink “Creams” the field on Sunday! On Saturday a field of 21 - TopicsExpress


Tink “Creams” the field on Sunday! On Saturday a field of 21 players contested a stroke. With the likelihood of some wet weather occurring later on in the round, it was quite pleasant conditions to be playing golf. In the last group to tee off, those playing received a golfing lesson in how to play the first hole from Rob Tink. Birdie, bogie, birdie was a very positive start to a golf round. It was mentioned that the winner at that stage was going to be Rob in how well he was scoring on the holes. As soon as you identify the potential winner, a problem usually occurs soon afterwards. So it was on the 5th hole for Rob. Still at the end of 9 holes Rob had 41 off the stick. The other golfers in the group were not travelling quite as good as Rob. The back nine was played in gusty winds, which caused a challenge to the golfers. The winner on the day was this scribe, who recorded a nett 71 and won on a countback. Also on this nett were Kevin Sharp and Gordon Jewiss. Ball winners were: G Keppie, K Sharp, G Jewiss, G Redman, S Morrissey, A Larance and R Tink. “The cream rises to the surface but it can go sour very quickly,” was a quote I heard at the end of the day. Yet if you take this wonderful quote and apply it to the winner of Sunday’s competition, the moralist Kerry didn’t quite get it right. As you see by the winning score of 38 points Rob Tink continued his great form over the Sunday competition. After Rob’s winning effort he lost enough handicap to be on single figures. This is the rightful place for a golfer of Rob’s talent. Ball winners were: R Tink, K Flood, S Jones and M McWhirter. This Saturday the first of the half hams will be available to be won this Saturday. The competition is an individual, medley stableford. Please note that the captain has decided that the winner of each half ham will lose 5 shots off their, “Ham Handicap.” If you win the half ham again another 4 shots will be removed from your, “Ham Handicap.” The idea for this “Ham Handicap” is to share around the chance of winning on a Saturday when a ham is on. If you have any questions please talk to the new Captain after Wednesday’s AGM. On Sunday it is a stroke. Please remember that the 4 Persons team Event is on this coming Friday. Finally for the reader who rang in to remind me I had not put in a joke for 2 weeks. I do apologize. I will try to include one at the end of each article. A Quick Thinking Senior! An elderly man in the outback of this great state of New South Wales had owned a large farm for years. He had a large dam at the back of his property. It was properly shaped for swimming, so he fixed it up nicely with a BBQ, picnic tables and some peach and plum trees. One evening the elderly owner of this property decided to go down to the dam, as he hadn’t been there for quite a while, and inspect the surroundings. He grabbed a large container to bring back some fruit. As he neared the dam, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer he saw it was a bevy of young ladies, skinny-dipping in his dam. Being a gentleman, he made his presence known to the young ladies. With his presence known to the ladies they immediately went to the deep end of the dam. One of the young ladies shouted out to the gentleman, “We are not coming out of here until you leave!” The old man frowned, “I didn’t come down here to watch young ladies swim in their birthday suit or make you get out of the pool naked.” “I am here to feed my pet crocodile…!” Some old men can still think fast when the situation arises. Kep
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 02:00:58 +0000

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