Tintin et les trains dans le magazine La vie du Rail n° 3300 de - TopicsExpress


Tintin et les trains dans le magazine La vie du Rail n° 3300 de septembre 2014. Article de Anne JEANTET-LECLERC De Moulinsart à Chicago. Avec Tintin, le monde au fil des rails Saviez-vous que Tintin, le reporter le plus célèbre du monde, a souvent voyagé en train et ce, dès ses toutes premières aventures, lors de son voyage chez les Soviets en 1929 ? La preuve en images… Tintin and trains: adventures on rails is the focus of a story in the September edition La vie du Rail magazine n° 3300. A rail odyssey On the first page of Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, Tintin and Snowy set off on their inaugural adventure by train. When the action-packed story - serialised in Le Petit Vingtième - came to an end in 1930, crowds of people showed up at the Gare du Nord in Brussels, to welcome their favourite hero back home. At the beginning of Tintin in the Congo, Tintin catches the train from Brussels to Antwerp. In his first post-war adventure, The Seven Crystal Balls, Tintin arrives at Marlinspike station in an SNCB train. The relationship between Hergé and trains has stood the test of time. The creator of Tintin even illustrated brochures for the SNCB.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:40:52 +0000

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