Tips- • If you need to add more length to a paper, make the - TopicsExpress


Tips- • If you need to add more length to a paper, make the punctuation marks a size bigger. • If you get caught going out for lunch, the worst thatll happen is youll get garbage duty. (Thats not even that horrible cause it makes you look like a badass) • Read the book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling. Its funny and its got a ton of tips and stories about high school. • Lane doesnt have air conditioning. • Bring gum and give it to people. I made like 10 friends that way. • My biggest regret freshman year was being too quiet. Dont sit around waiting for people to talk to you, because they wont. • Make sure youve seen Mean Girls before you start school. People will make fun of you if you havent. • Sleep. School sucks a lot less if youre not incredibly tired. • Its perfectly okay not to be in a club. Dont force yourself into one if thats not your thing. • I sat alone at lunch for the first few weeks of school, and trust me, its not a good idea. Go up to people and ask if you can sit with them. Chances are that they dont want to be alone either. • Dress code is a pain in the ass, but the security guards stop caring by June. • Make friends with upperclassmen. • Swimming in gym class is actually really fun. Its not as painful and awful as it seems. • Go to school functions. They suck, but its an experience. • Freshman year is tough, but it goes by quickly. • Dont worry about wearing your ID. Just put it on if someone asks you to. • The chicken at Marianos is more expensive but it tastes way better than the chicken at Jewel. • Use your locker. • Youre gonna have at least one shitty teacher. It sucks, but you only have to see them once a day. • Never wear your gym uniform outside of gym class unless you want to get beat up. The only exception is the Homecoming game but I still dont recommend it. • Have fun! Dont take things too seriously. Think of this year as a fresh start. Message me if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or if you just want a friend. Have an awesome year everyone! :)
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:05:09 +0000

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