Tips About Life, People, and Happiness • True wisdom and - TopicsExpress


Tips About Life, People, and Happiness • True wisdom and insight is always free. • Give your power over to no one. • Going into the unknown is how you expand what is known. • Spend more time around people that both challenge and respect you. • Remain skeptical forever. • Fight for what matters. • There is a method that works. Find it. • Never let anyone photoshop a picture of you. It creates a false sense of self-confidence. • Read more. Especially things you disagree with. • Get used to feeling stupid. It’s a sign of growth. • It’s easy for people to talk a good game, so watch how they behave instead. • Learn something from everyone. • Find things that inspire you and pursue them, even if there’s no money in it. • Starve if you have to, for as long as you need to. • Survive on a little just to prove you can do it. • Get one big success at an early age. It’ll help build ur confidence for bigger things. • Do what you say you’ll do. No one is reliable anymore. • Learn a new language. • Eat more protein. • Keep people around you that will tell you the truth. • Genius gets you nowhere. Execution is everything. • Meet new people as often as possible. Offer to help them. • Don’t discriminate. Connect anyone in your network to anyone else. • Nobody likes a know-it-all. • Get a passport. Fill it up with stamps no one has ever seen. • Quit your horrible job. • Read biographies. It’s like having access to the best mentors in history. • Go to bed, and wake up, early. No one will bother you, letting your best work emerge. • Scare yourself a little bit every day. It will expand your inner map. • Don’t buy a lot of stuff, and only buy the stuff you really love. • Be humble and curious. • Be as useful as you can in as many circumstances as possible. • Show up. • Repeat people’s names when you meet them. • Make your home a place where you feel safe. • Take cold showers. They’re better than coffee. • Learn to enjoy hunger. • Make everything either shorter, or longer, than it needs to be. • Always remember those who helped you. Deliver two or three times as much value back. • But also, help people who have never helped you, and can’t. • When you know that pain is temporary, it affects all of your decisions. • Commit to things, regularly, that are far beyond your ability. • Meet with friends more often than you think you have to. • Learn to meditate. Go on a retreat if you have to. • Your stories are both more and less interesting than you think. • Learn to really listen. • Walk more. • Ugly is just a step on the way to beautiful. • Get to know your neighbours. • Don’t take anything personally, ever. • Apologize more than you need to. • A good haircut changes everything. • Say no to projects you don’t care about. • Do things that are uncool. Later on, they usually end up becoming cool anyway. • Find your voice. • Have some manners. • Find ways to cheat the system– just don’t cheat people. • Be like Jesus, not like his followers. (This applies to all of them.) • Examine ur jealousy. You’ll learn a lot about urself. • Good connections are about people, not social networks. • Address small problems. They will become big problems. • Dress like a cooler version of yourself. • Add “adventurer” to your life status • If the internet is the best thing in your life, you have a serious problem. • Give away your best work for free. • Find mentors. Just don’t call them that. • Download Freedom. Use it for an hour every Day. • Join a gym. Lift the heaviest you can. (This applies to girls too.) • Do some freewriting. It helps you think things through. • Learn how to speak in public. •If you see someone who needs help, stop asking yourself if they need help. Instead, just help. . • The best conversations are had side by side, not one in front of the other. • Protect your hearing. Trust me. • Everyone feels like they’re not good enough. It’s not just you. • Courage is a learned skill.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 21:13:42 +0000

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