Tips & Advice Dietary Advice With Herbalife you combine - TopicsExpress


Tips & Advice Dietary Advice With Herbalife you combine nutritious food with replacing two meals a day. Here are some good tips and advice on what you should keep in mind in addition to Herbalife meals. On your plate Eat a lot of vegetables and protein (for example chicken, turkey or tofu) and be careful with carbohydrates (for example potatoes, pasta or rice). Less fat To completely remove fat from your diet is not a good idea. But choose soft fats instead of hard ones. For example: olive oil, rapeseed oil or peanut oil. You can make tasty, healthy dressings with linseed and sesame oils. More protein, less carbs Protein is not only important for building muscle mass, it also keeps feelings of hunger and tiredness at bay. Avoid eating simple carbohydrates, such as white breads, sugary cereals and pastries. Choose complex carbohydrates, which can be found in whole grain products. Drink more Water, that is. You should drink 2 liters/4 pints of water every day. Have a sports bottle or pitcher nearby and evenly distribute your daily intake of water over the day. Try adding a slice of lemon or lime, to get a nice twist to your drinking water. Nice and sweet Its normal to crave sweet things, but try to limit the amount and thereby the number of calories! You can control the craving with Herbalife protein snacks. Have one or two per day, as a tasty and nutritious snack. Exercise Advice Its easy to replace meals with Herbalife. For the best result the weight plan should be combined with exercise. Try to find something that you enjoy. It doesnt matter if its Nordic walking, swimming, tennis or spinning. Make your exercise a priority! It is always difficult to get going, but stay focused and your exercise routine will come naturally in a couple of weeks time. Team up with your friend or partner, and make the exercise a mutual effort. Twice the fun! Walking Walking is the worlds easiest exercise, and the best way to get started. You dont need new clothes or expensive equipment; you just have to go outside and start walking. But of course its good to reward yourself with some nice walking gear when you have managed to make walking a habit! A pair of comfortable walking shoes are essential. Strength training Muscles dont just look nice, they also increase your ability to burn fat, since muscles require energy 24 hours a day. But remember to rest between sessions! Muscles can be broken down with excessive training, and need peace and quiet to build up and become stronger. Daily exercise You dont have to go to the gym or run 10 kilometres a day if you dont enjoy it. It works well if you just take a little time for some daily exercise. Take 30 minutes per day, with a form of exercise you find enjoyable. Make a difference every day! How about testing some of these simple everyday methods? Get off the bus a couple of stops early. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Leave you car in the garage and ride your bike instead Take a short walk at lunchtime Dance to your favourite music Tidy the house or take your dog for an extra long walk. Goals Set personal goals and make them realistic. It is important to see positive results and a vital part of this is to make your goals reachable. Your final goal might be to lose 20 kg/3 stones. If so, set milestones along the way. Dont postpone - set daily goals, set goals each week, set goals for the coming month. Commend yourself if you have lost a couple of pounds. Staying positive will improve results and is a profit in itself.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 15:49:33 +0000

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