Tips : How to cope with the horrible boss (Final) Horrible Boss - TopicsExpress


Tips : How to cope with the horrible boss (Final) Horrible Boss #4: The Narcissist While often charming, narcissists are completely absorbed in their own well-being and have absolutely no real interest in anything else. Here’s how to cope: Step 1: Realize the truth. No matter how charming your boss can be, you are not real to him. You do not really exist, except insofar as you are feeding his narcissism. No matter what happens, you are no more important to him than a bug on the wall. Step 2: Decide what you want. Why are you working for this person? What are you learning? Where is it taking your career? If you can’t come up with good answers to this question, then there’s no reason for you to be working for him, in which case you should start looking for another job. Step 3: Observe the foibles. Since you’ve decided that it’s worth your time and effort to remain, you need to study your boss and figure out what makes him feel good and loved and wanted. This will vary from person to person. Step 4: Feed the foibles. Whatever it is that makes your boss feel good, make it your job to provide it. Meanwhile, keep focused on what you’re trying to accomplish, so that you can get out of the relationship as soon as possible. Step 5: Start looking. As soon as it’s convenient, the narcissist will stab you in the back. Best you be ready with another job, before that happens. Horrible Boss #5: The Workaholic The workaholic forces you to follow her work regimen. You’re expected nearly every waking moment working and have no real social life… just like her. Here’s how to cope: Step 1: Accept that you’ll need to lie. Unless you really want to emulate the boss’s lifestyle, you’re going to have to pretend to do so. This will require you to be sparing with the truth. Step 2: Understand the challenge. Your goal will be to look busy all the time, while dodging assignments and projects. Step 3: Always look busy. Never go anywhere without holding a huge stack of papers. Walk quickly and purposefully, like you’re on a mission, even when you’re just going to the restroom. Step 4: Complain, complain, complain. When asked “how are you?” always roll your eyes and say something like: “I’m working my **s off.” Sign yourself up to attend dozens of meetings, but be “too busy” to actually attend all of them. Step 5: Carve a personal life out of the slack. Since you’re not overworked, you can wrap up your assignments quickly and then use the rest of the time to send emails, keep in touch with friends etc. Step 6: Use “working at home” as an excuse. Since you’ve convinced the boss that you’re incredibly busy, she’ll believe you when you say that you’re working at home, even if you’re just hanging out.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 06:57:34 +0000

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