Tips for Jiu Jitsu for all my students - TopicsExpress


Tips for Jiu Jitsu for all my students KillerBeesBjjCollegeMuaythai 1. Learning We also Although we know many things, after all we are a long time on the road, does not mean that we know everything. Jiu-Jitsu is a very dynamic sport and evolves every day, we need to update ourselves constantly, but today with the videos and the filling is normal access to information we do not have awareness of all the movements we do to perform a given blow by So know that we learn as we teach. 2. Never complemented by an explanation Ask questions, ask is normal. Do this at the appropriate time, never interrupt an explanation to complement or say something that makes you different. Show your way when running the repetitions without the need to disrupt the learning of other team members. If your form is actually better to do your teacher will show the rest of the team and for sure you will point as the discoverer of a new way of doing. 3. Rely on technical training that is We know it feels awkward especially when it is the first time that training is a technique. We understand that you think it will not work on your game, but when we say that to rely on technique, trust me. Over time you will learn to do better and better and in fact the position does not fit your game as one of your favorite, you will have a new movement that will be part of your arsenal, it is through this group of techniques in which you future will be able to create your own variations, or even not be surprised by it. 4. The technique is repeated? Train anyway. We do not like to teach armbar at all times and especially does not like teaching positions from side control thousands of times, though, to get good at something you need to train and useless to learn various techniques and not doing well neither. We know that repetition is boring a lot of times, but we also know that it must be taken so that the movement becomes perfect. Do not complain of repetitions and much less repeated techniques, your teacher is just consolidating your best game. 5. Not be rude or clumsy BJJ is synonymous with art and the soft gentle art mean combination of technique and fluidity of movement. m Not hypocritical to say that there is no force applied to the moves, especially if you have the strength, but careful not to hurt your training partner doing unnecessary rudeness or a septic tank. Choke on the chin? Tie concierge? Elbows, headbutts, knees ... Wow ... this is not Jiu-Jitsu. If your goal is to push, sign on a bodybuilding gym. Had decided to jiu-jitsu, seek to learn the techniques that have made BJJ the most feared martial art in the world. If you are strong, great, learn technique and will be unbeatable! 6. Doubts not store, we love questions I am not contradicting myself, we hate interruptions, but we love questions. If you paid attention in explaining and yet still got questions do not be shy to ask, is it normal to have doubts on new things. Another point is that you show that you are paying attention and also who wants to learn and understand every detail that makes the technique work. Now, if you have doubts why he was talking or distracted. You deserve a chocolate milk! 7. Silence and attention If you have something that annoys is people talking at the moment the technique is being passed, or when they should be practicing what was passed. Even worse is when they are training a completely different motion that was passed. Besides being a lack of respect for the teacher is a lack of respect for fellow workout, it disperses attention and disrupts the class. 8. Write only what is being taught In my classroom is zero tolerance for anyone who is doing a different movement of what was taught, there is a time for everything and even though the technique is repeated (as already explained above), her exhaustion should be performed until it becomes a expert in it. Make another movement, which has no relationship to disrupt the classroom training partner, and in some cases, the whole gang.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:57:53 +0000

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