Tips for SAT success | SAT Exam - TopicsExpress


Tips for SAT success | SAT Exam Tips _________________________________________ SAT might the smallest word that can instill so much of unnecessary fear into a student. Nearly every high school student thinking of going abroad to pursue their higher education would have heard the word and the will be required to take this standardized test at one level or the other. Nonetheless, the test still continues to stand strong and is a requirement while applying to colleges of repute. The test which has recently gone through some changes, has brought about a required change in a couple of elements. The test is comprised of three primary components—writing, critical reading, and math; which lasts for about four hours. There are a couple of tips which you can follow to earn a better score: Not a dead end First and foremost, you should know that taking or clearing the SAT is not the end of their academic front. Ask yourself before taking the test, whether it is even right for you? The ACT is an alternative to the SAT and, contrary to popular belief, is accepted at all four-year schools that accept the SAT. There are other tests out there. Although the ACT is quite different in pattern and structure, but taking a time practice version of both tests will give you a fair enough idea as to which is better for you. Not to forget, it will also save you that much of investment. Read much? SAT is the way to go If you are in a habit of regularly reading books, then SAT is the way to go. The test is inclusive of vocabulary questions and sentence completion section which you’ll be able to handle well because of your reading habit. Experts have often mentioned that to be able to do well in SAT papers you should inculcate reading habits and verbally- inclined students tend to do well in the test. Handle pressure well? You need to be able to handle pressure well in order to be able to handle the SAT. If pressure handling while tests has not been your forte, then think again. Practice, and practice again, to build your speed and to handle that pressure. The pattern of the test requires you have answer questions in short bursts. Pay attention to detail While the mathematics part in the SAT might be easier than other standardized tests, you are required to pay attention to the design of the question, rather than your formulae. The SAT math section will many a times trick students to rush to and not go through the whole question. The tricks in the questions aren’t intricate but, in the rush of completing the paper, often overlooked. Skip when in doubt. Sometimes! Remember at all times that while you will be awarded marks for the right answers, they will also be stricken away in case of wrong ones. The strategy of guessing an answer will not do you any good for the SAT. On the other hand, if you think you are able to narrow down on the choices which are presented to you, it is better that you attempt the question than leave it blank. The odds of getting the question right will outweigh the penalty for a wrong answer. Prioritize You should know by now on the classes which matter more over others. It is not required of you to know everything on the test, but the things that you know you ought to be sure of them. Know what topics you are required to know and which are more important than the others and cover them well enough to know almost all. Don’t fret with the essay Twenty five minutes might not be all the time you will require to bring about the best, intricate, polished piece of writing. At the same time this makes the essay section the most intimidating part of the test for many a students. Do not stress and strive for perfection but concentrate on the grammar part of it. Grammar plays a small part in the grading of the essay, but essay readers are chiefly on the lookout for how you demonstrate the answer to the question posed. They would want it be a well-structured, coherent argument.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:22:52 +0000

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