Tips for fasting (not just food) in every day life- theiflife - TopicsExpress


Tips for fasting (not just food) in every day life- theiflife Fasting is defined as willingly abstaining from something for a period of time. It is most popularly used in the terms of food, but really can be applied to anything in life. Fasting not only gives us a chance to get away from something, but also the clarity and silence that may be needed inorder to really figure out what is going on with our lives. Here’s some examples of how to fast daily, put some into practice and who knows what may happen! News Fasting: Do we really need constant updates on the hour, second about everything that is going on everywhere? Are we so obsessed with things globally that we neglect to focus on the most important thing we in our life, our daily personal journey? Take time away from the TV, newspaper, internet, radio and do something more enjoyable. Most everything we hear about and read is all negative because that is what sells! Who needs that? I sure don’t. You can still keep updated on current events, just don’t let them run your life. I check the head pages of Yahoo or MSN in the morning and look at the headlines, anything that is important will be there. If I find something I want to read about, I will click on it, if not then I am done for the day. No need to sit through 30 minutes of pure negative energy from the local news. Take control over what information comes into your life, and what does not! Just cause an update is there every 5min, doesn’t mean that we actually need it in our life. Computer Fasting: I am a big fan of the computer like the next guy, but I don’t want it running my life. Although I do much work on my laptop, I find that I get more done in concentrated efforts vs being on the internet all day. There is always email, websites, forums and other things constantly being updated. Take time to schedule when you do these tasks and then be able to walk away and get on with your day, even if that is just sitting outside enjoying nature. Tip: Schedule your computer time as needed. Get on, check the emails, respond right away, delete or file, and keep that inbox clean. Read the sites you want to read and then move on. Do it once a day, twice a day, or however you need to schedule. Don’t just come on all day long and wander around the internet, as you could easily waste a whole day and be less productive. TV Fasting: This is pretty self explanatory. How many hours do you waste in front of the TV? Are you even watching any shows you enjoy or just flipping channels? Do you complain about not having enough time to do something, always wanted to try a new career, or anything else? Imagine taking that 1hr a day wasted on TV and put into a pursuit you have a passion for whether it be a career move, writing a book, or something as simple as hiking a trail daily. Imagine the positive impact and what your life could be, thinking anything was possible. Enjoy the shows you like, turn off the TV when they are over. Cell Phone Fasting: Sometimes I just like to put down the cell phone on silent and just want away. How liberating that feels! “But what if someone calls and my house is on fire…”. Are you using that or any other excuse to yourself? Really, when has something like that every happened? Unless you are expecting a call, chances are slim that anything will need your immediate attention and can wait a few hours. We are so addicted to carrying and answering every call. These are precious moments in your life that could be used for whatever you want them to be, instead of just talking to people who are looking to kill some time and gossip. You will find as you become more focused in your life, you will have less time and interest to just “shooting the breeze”. Nothing wrong with being around friends, but make time for that aside from calls on the phone that are interrupting your daily activities. Nothing is that urgent. These are just a few example of how you can apply the practice of fasting to any part of your life. You could fast from negative people, eating out, drinking, being inside all day, exercise at the gym (yes…take a break and just enjoy the day doing whatever you like, you may just come back the next time with even more energy and see better gains), information overload (books, magazines, newspapers, etc) and more. Take control of how you want to spend your time, and the only way to know what you want to do is take time to just relax and it will come to you in those moments that are known as “inspiration”!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 01:51:16 +0000

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