Tips from the Bredel Clinic: The Primordial Pouch If youve - TopicsExpress


Tips from the Bredel Clinic: The Primordial Pouch If youve got more than one cat, you may have noticed how they kick at each others stomachs when theyre fighting. Thats just play, but the tactic is the means by which they kill prey. Cats have belly fat, like most animals, to protect their viscera. All domestic cats have a loose flap of skin, often called the primordial pouch, which protects their stomachs. It almost looks as if theyve swollen to Garfield-sized proportions, slimmed down, and retained the extra skin. Spaying, Neutering, Aging and Weight Loss After cats are spayed, it often looks as if their stomachs (and by extension, their primordial pouches) hang lower. Along with this, their skin flaps appear elongated. This also happens to male cats after neutering, as well as aging female and male cats. The sagging largely is a skin elasticity issue. Cats who lose a lot of weight, be it through disease dieting, still have these flaps, too. The primordial pouch is normal and doesnt merit concern. Ideal Weights Functionally speaking, the primordial pouch serves another practical purpose: It allows the stomach to expand and swell with food. In wild cats, this allows them to consume a large meal while the getting is good. In domestic cats, this also allows them to consume a large meal while the getting is good, but you should be feeding your cat regularly enough that he doesnt need to gorge himself in one sitting. Incidentally, a 1997 study from Cornell University found that about 25 percent of cats in a veterinary survey were heavy or obese. Granted, the study was limited in scope, but it also pointed out the health risks of cat obesity, which include disease and death. Knowing about your cats primordial pouch can help you tell whether hes overweight or not. A view from above affords a good gauge. Consult your vet if youre concerned. 301.387.7729.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 19:17:15 +0000

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