Tired of the pain and head games in a relationship where it - TopicsExpress


Tired of the pain and head games in a relationship where it usually ends in disappointment? Obviously theres no guarantees when youre in a relationship. When going into one, you are always at risk of getting hurt. You have to know this going in. There are ways to go about to avoid getting hurt in relationships though. Pick your partner. This step is for those whove yet to get into a relationship, but are a bit hesitant because of the fear of how the last relationship ended. Dont rush when getting into a relationship. Develop a solid foundation of friendship first, that way you can end up developing trust with each other when its time for a relationship. If you can establish trust, it will neglect hurt feelings a lot easier. Ill post some links if you need help on this. Reflect on past relationships. See where youve went wrong in relationships from the past. Look we all make mistakes. Dont reflect and think about everything THEY did wrong. Think about how you were as well and put yourself in that persons shoes. Maybe you were too clingy, or wasnt more understanding to their feelings. Figure out where you went wrong and grow from it. Also use this to avoid past faults in your exs, to avoid following for the same traits again. Communicate with your partner effectively. This is an easy way for you to avoid hurt feelings. Communicating effectively will establish trust. If your partner is not open to communication, get out or slow down the process of taking the next step. No communication, opens to lots of hurt feelings and assumptions in the future. It opens up a bad relationship that wont end well and cause plenty of hurt feelings. Give respect to your partner. Dont just demand respect from your partner, give it to them too. A lot of people say they do this, but do they really? Giving respect is respecting their privacy and not accusing the worst out of them. Its also about giving them trust. Not getting jealous anytime they talk to a boy or girl. When you give them negative energy, they tend to not be as responsive and as caring in return. People are sensitive and you have to be careful with their emotions. If you arent respecting them, they arent feeling as positive to your feelings in return. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself if youd be happy it return. Never assume something. This is an easy way for a lot of fights to happen, and this is how they usually do happen. Dont jump the gun when it comes to something, make sure you have the facts straight. Instead of yelling, try communicating like I mention in step 3. Getting on the same page will avoid a lot of hurt feelings. Its only natural when someone is aggressive, theyll start being aggressive back. Sooner or later they view you as the villain instead of their partner. Which can turn into potential danger to your emotions in the future. Be encouraging to your partner. One of the easier ways to avoid hurt feelings, and keep them up beat is to be a positive person to them. Encourage them and give them loyalty, it will be pretty hard for them to not give it back in return. Make the relationship about the both of you. Dont get caught up in just what you want, or what is effecting you in the relationship. Work on both the both of you and consider your partner as well. Very important step here to avoid hurt feelings in return. You have to prove you really care in return. Doing this and showing them that their feelings truly matter, will make them loyal. To make someone loyal, they got to establish trust. To establish trust, you have to show them you really care and you hold nothing back. Expressing yourself. Sometimes and most the time hurt feelings in relationships can come from completely not knowing what effects you. Express yourself with clarity so your partner understands you better. This is different than just communicating. Communicating is discussing everything with them, and trying to get them to do the same in return. So you two are on a complete understanding of everything. Expressing yourself, is just about yourself and your wants and needs. That way your partner can understand you better and will do a better job in fulfilling your needs and avoid things that do cause you pain. Theres a lot of different ways to be emotionally hurt by someone and sometimes its not always your partners fault. Im not saying you deserve it and its yours. You have to express yourself about certain things, so your partner can at least understand it better. Somethings go without saying, but saying them still cant hurt. Do the things they care about and like. Do things that are special to them. Learn what interests them and take notes. This again expresses your true feeling for them and makes them more loyal and considerate to your feelings in return. Ask yourself the most serious question. Does he or she really care about me? You can get hurt by someone in a relationship easily even if they do. Following these steps helps avoid these hurt feelings. You can really get hurt easier, and will if they dont. You got to be certain they truly care and want to be with you. If you are following these steps, and your partner is being open, considerate to your feelings as best they can, then they do. If you are following the steps and theyre not, get out. They are just in it for themselves, and thats how youll get hurt. Sometimes people only think about themselves and truly only care about themselves. Everyone wants true love in return, and you have to give it to them. If you are and theyre not meeting you half way, thats different. You have your answer and know what to do. Now find the strength to do it before it gets worse. Define the person they are. Most important step of all. A lot of people are selfish, but are they a completely self-centered person. If so, theres a great chance theyll never try, or even care to meet you half way. Which will lead to a lot of pain down the road. Just because they need love, which they do, doesnt mean they are truly capable of giving it back. Love isnt selfish, never forget that in a relationship. If you are one of these selfish people and completely self- centered ones. You have your answer on why you continue to get hurt in relationships. Everyone has feelings, dont forget that.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 07:39:27 +0000

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