Tired of working at yet another wannabe-Google? Is the ostensibly - TopicsExpress


Tired of working at yet another wannabe-Google? Is the ostensibly ‘cool’ office and obviously forced casualness getting on your nerves? Have overused words like ‘creative’, ‘dynamic’, and ‘entrepreneur’ become anathema to you? Has your ‘next Facebook’ just been in the queue for too damn long?! Do you dream of a world where people are fined for using clichés like ‘think big’ and ‘start up’, a world where people have the guts to blaze their own trail instead of dreaming of replicating the success of others? If you have the guts to be original and are looking to work with likeminded people, BDP WANTS YOU! Forget the sad beanbag-filled offices! Don’t become another tie-less zombie slaving away under fluorescent lights for people who think having a Ping-Pong table makes their office interesting! Come work for BDP, a place for people with a personality and mind of their own! BDP is a multinational organisation owned by the founders of the super-successful UK telecom company Connexin, the proverbial David that slayed the Goliath that was BT. With BDP, we’re looking to develop revolutionary next-gen software solutions on the payments and tele-health fronts and to start a Stage 2 Incubator Program that takes on local start-ups and helps them actually monetise their products after development. We’re hiring now for the following positions! 1) An exceptional Android Developer, capable of leading a team of freethinking young individuals on varied projects ranging from mobile payments to tele-health projects and virtual reality with finesse and style. Attention to detail is crucial; having an OCD is a big plus! 2) A Front-end Developer familiar with JAVA, HTML, CSS, RUBY, JQuery and PHP capable of making slick, responsive front-ends. An eye for good design would be welcome, the ability to actually voice your opinion even more so. 3) An IOS Developer who can render quality apps for IOS devices that out-Apple Apple on the UI and design front. Work must be absolutely seamless, both technically and visually and the individual must be able to keep their peace with the Android guys; BDP has a strict no-Android-vs-IOS-wars policy. BDP. The (equal opportunity) place for developers….with a life. Email your CVs at [email protected]!
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 23:04:40 +0000

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