Tis morn, and all is white. Yet, I find the powdery nuisance - TopicsExpress


Tis morn, and all is white. Yet, I find the powdery nuisance beautiful. A spring snow has a different feel than winters. I know, last week, I wrote that it was winters finale and in truth, it was. I look at this white sheeting as something else. It feels poetic. The coldness feels comforting. The wind feels kind. The white blanket is majestic. Yesterday, my mother-in-law was excited by the array of buds protruding through the hard ground. Today, she looks with disdain. But not I. Deep within my mind, I know it is a finale of some sort or better, a prelude. She thinks about other Spring snow flurries while I think about some of Core Points Spring entrance. One such an occurrence leaps from my memory with a presence equal to a few seconds ago. It was a Saturday and the beginning of April when Chris and I were riding around Core Point. The Pamlicos waters thrashed upon the shore as swift as a whip. The wind was a constant gale, piercing to the bone with each gust. We saw Shirley Rumors and stopped. She couldnt get her water pump to start. So Chris and I braved the wicked elements, but it was to no avail. For an hour or so, we went into the heathenish weather for a few minutes, then back into her cottage where hot tea, Chriss beer and my pot waited. With triumph eluded, we called my daddy. He came, accompanied by Mr. G.A. Chris and I did as they instructed and got the pump working, while they were in the protection of the shelter, gossiping with Mrs. Shirley. At the time, the coldness of springs entrance was met with disapproval. As I glance over the whiteness, accumulating into inches, the memory of such an occasion is warm and unlike its time, has approval. Though, the weather, by comparison, isnt the same, it is never-the-less a Spring entrance. The illuminating overcast, the softness of the precipitation and the gentleness of the wind are gleefully embraced. Winter may refuse to drift into the ages, it hasnt the wrought to diminish hope. For like my mother-in-law, the peeping buds brought an elation. One that isnt easily challenged. For I firmly believe, in a blink, the foliage will thicken with leafage and the first mowing of the lawn is just around the bend.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:47:55 +0000

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