‘Tis the season for deliciously sweet, juicy, plump - TopicsExpress


‘Tis the season for deliciously sweet, juicy, plump Strawberries. This is our Vegetable/Fruit of the week. Most of you know that strawberries contain a lot of vitamin C, but in fact, one cup of strawberries contains 150% of your daily allowance and only 50 calories (strawberries have a low glycemic load). They are also relatively high in fibre contain potassium and folate and are virtually fat free. How do I care for my strawberries? Strawberries need to be kept cold in the fridge. Fresh strawberries should last well for 5 days in the fridge. Keep them in the punnet and only wash as many as you want just before eating to maintain freshness. But to get the best flavour we suggest you take strawberries out the fridge 1 hour before eating and allow to heat up to room temperature as the cold tends to mask the true flavour. Which Strawberries Taste Best? Small and big fruit will taste equally good, as new sweeter varieties are grown where size is not relevant to taste. Unlike some other fruits, they don’t continue to ripen after being picked. Once a strawberry is picked from the plant it will not sweeten any further so here are the key points in your choice. Pick the punnet up and turn it over checking for: Bright fully red coloured berries The calyx (leafy top) should be green, still attached and looking fresh No juice or mould on the bottom layer that would suggest they are old Strawberries are eaten in a number of different ways including fresh, dried, as a jam, in a drink or even in a muesli bar. Flans, cakes, slices, pies, smoothies & juices, ice creams or popsicles, in fact all manner of deserts are great to make using strawberries. They can be mixed with other fruit such as bananas, apples or rhubarb. They can also be eaten in a salad or as salsa. The average strawberry has 200 seeds. A strawberry plant can have up to 30 berries on it at any one time Strawberries are a member of the rose family. In medieval times, strawberries were served at important functions to bring peace & prosperity.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 05:50:16 +0000

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