Tis the weekend i hit the big 40. I am okay about it, i follow - TopicsExpress


Tis the weekend i hit the big 40. I am okay about it, i follow what Louise Hay always said, our later years are our elder years. When i look back over the last 40 years, there hwell guys, there has been good times and bad, happy and sad. I grew up in Bayside, Sutton. When i think about it now, Back in the 1970s, early 80s, we were lucky as children, to be brought up in such a modern area, one off the first non denominational schools. My mother , ah a great woman, probably one of very few women to drive at the time, bringing us to dollymount, Portmarnock beach, and St Annes park in her 1978 Vauxhall Viva, nickednamed the vivalelabanger lol. It always got us around. The mid 1980s to early 1992 wasnt great for my parents, nor us. They were clouded with financial problems, a business going down the tubes and a depression in ireland along with alot of changes. 1994, now thats a year to remember, We moved to Castleknock Grove, our new home, it was like a new lease of life, a breath of fresh air , for myself , my parents sisters and brother. I remember we moved into Castleknock Grove, just three days before christmas of 1994. It was a good time . My sister Lisa and I lay and slept on the floor of the front living room that night. Its just one of those old memories you keep and hold onto. In, the context of my paragraphs, you will see that i have learned to talk about we, rather than me , iv learned its better and expands the stories more interesingly. How the 1990s seems like some a life time ago, yet the 1980s seem like another life time ago. But the mids 1990s to 2000. they were golden years, My parents finally mellowed down and found happyness, little Anna grew up in a nice area, ahh it was good. 2000 onwards brought alot of tragedy and sadness, right up too 2012. You wonder just how much the human body can take, with such sadness and trauma, My father, suddenly died three days before his 70th birthday, which was to be a big celebration, Just took heart attack while out early in his hackney. My mother never got over that, and lived for a further six years until she died in july of 2007. Anna, the strongest in the family, the strongest mind, at such a young age, just held everything together, quite effortlessly, thats why she was nicknamed brains, and brainy she was, until her tragic death in 2012. since her death, well the family has been torn apart and its not a pretty sight, however, as iv said our later years are our elder years, and hopefully healing ones too. I spent the last two years thinking of me for a change. Fighting to get my home, and renovating it to my own taste. Im happy to go on 40 , i hold alot of memories close to my heart and i dont dwell on the bad ones, its better not too. I am not gloating but i can say im proud , i havnt made a million euro overnight and im not living on millionaires row, but iv learned to live with life with integrity and self respect. My most lovable and memorable times have been going to Romania and travelling through Europe from 2001 to 2006. -30 degrees snow dry cold, it was beautifull visiting old quaint towns and villages. Its something i can carry with me. Using cable cars getting from one side of the towns to the other, visiting the kings palace in sinea, and transylvania. I dont have any regrets, although i have no immediate contact with my family, i dont see anything i did wrong, only that when our parents go, families tend to drift apart, I have family who are good to me, and thats whats important. I just wanted to update my facebook page on the eve of my birthday, and wish all of you well.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 00:24:37 +0000

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