Tis two weeks til Christmas, and all through our town The south - TopicsExpress


Tis two weeks til Christmas, and all through our town The south wind is howling, the power is down. The boutiques are dark along Avenue B Awaiting the good folks of P, G, and E.... Umm...sorry...just prepping some copy for later on. Ive learned not to treat storm warnings like the Law and the Prophets, because what if a monarch butterfly sneezes in Acapulco, and the storm track is off by a hundredth of a click? Thats enough to turn a punch in the jaw into a tap on the shoulder and all meteorologists will be branded as liars. So lets all be ready for sandwiches by candlelight, charge up the phones and the Kindle and rest happily in the hope that by weekend well be dry and muddy. Pretty good tree-hunting weather in the Northwest. The Coast Guard rescue helicopter at Newport is spared the blade. Cutting it would have been terribly timed, a false economy, hamhandedly handled, terrible PR in a government branch that spends enormous bucks on PR. A joint press release from from the honorables Wyden, Merkley, DeFazio, Schrader, Blumenauer, and Bonamici announced that a Santa sack of a bill thats freighted with presents including the Newport chopper (and goodness knows what else) has magically passed the House and Senate. This is what weve been hoping for. These people are elected to play the game and they got the job done. They surely had to sign off on other goodies for other districts that wouldnt play as well here, but thats the way it works. Or hasnt worked lately. I just wonder why Greg Waldens not on that list, because other, but out-of-state, Republicans are mentioned by name. Im told that Walden didnt oppose it, so thats a start. But as Ron Wyden and Gordon Smith showed, theres strength in bipartisan teamwork in a states delegation. In the new year they should all get in a room in Sunriver and pass a peace pipe. You know, now that itll be legal. The folks who manage Portlands spreading streetcar system significantly overstated ridership and on-time performance last year, according to a sharp critique from the City Auditors office. Oregon States football program, discontented with being in the shadow of the one down the road, has announced a huge upgrade to its facilities, and the hiring of big-time coach Gary Anderson from the University of Wisconsin. Whoever hacked Sony is dribbling out more secret documents creating discomfort in Hollywood, including a memo in which a producer called Angelina Jolie a “minimally talented spoiled brat.” The Montana Legislature, perhaps forgetting which century and hemisphere its in, is imposing a dress code on female elected officials, prohibiting them from wearing items like leggings and open-toed sandals, and ordering them to be sensitive to skirt lengths and necklines. Couple of birthdays that popped up. Brenda Lee, who did her most currently ubiquitous work at 16, is 70. And turning 67 isTeri Garr...Richard Dreyfusss long-suffering wife in Close Encounters, and John Denvers long-suffering wife in Oh, God! So thats all Ive got. If anybody would like to add some more couplets or quatrains to the above attempt at poetry, feel free. I think were looking for something funny that Bruce, Janine, and I can recite on our Christmas broadcast next week. I tried to write one, but it turned out to poke gentle fun at K103s Christmas music, and finished with the line: Tis Santa who brings us this musical gift. But hes out of here soon, so heres Taylor Swift. Help me. See you on 103.3 fm in Portland. If youre checking in from elsewhere, let us know where so I can put a pin in the map. Meantime, heres a video of a whole neighborhood that synchronized its Christmas lights...and shot the footage from a drone. Hark! https://youtube/watch?v=IXieGSAdj4s#t=12
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 12:03:06 +0000

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