Tithi Pravesha chakra:When the angle of the sun and the Moon are - TopicsExpress


Tithi Pravesha chakra:When the angle of the sun and the Moon are 12 degrees apart then a TPC chart is drawn to check the native life for the next 12 Months..A point has to be noted when drawing the TPC. The Sun has to be in the same rasi as it was earlier in the Natal Chart. For ex: if Sun was in Gemini rasi at the time of birth then at the time TPC the same Sun should be in Gemini and the Tithi at the time of birth should be the same at the time of drawing of TPC. The following are very important to be noted when analyzing the TPC a)Vara lord 2)Nakshatra lord 3)Yoga 4)Hora. All the lords of Vara,Hora and Nakshatra should be nicely placed in the lagna ie they should be either in kendras or trikonas. Exaltation is good when compared to friends sign and then comes the own sign. None of these should be placed in the dusthanas 6,8,12...Read the TPC as we tend to read the Natal chart. This is an example of my cousin....His lagna at the TPC is Tula and the natal lagna at the time of his birth was Meena rasi. So if we see his TPC lagna is badly placed with Saturn in it. Placement of Saturn in the lagna is not good as it is termed as Marana Karaka sthana for the said planet but being exalted in Tula the native would come out successfully out of any circumstances with the sheer strength of the planet and also hard work....Saturn is the lord of the 4th house and being placed in lagna would enable the native leave the country. He has got an opportunity in North America and he would be leaving this country very soon(God bless him) 10th House is placed with Jupiter exlated and it is the lord of Upachayas(3,6) and being exlated it would give him growth in his area of work...Jupiter is placed in the 2nd from AL He has been offered good amount of money as salary + perks....Saturn denotes serving others. So his area of work is an hospital and job of facility for the entire hospital....We also find that 9th lord Mercury is placed in 12th house, the house of foreign stay and it is placed with Rahu the lord of 5th house. Mercury is exalted in Virgo....Mercury denotes greenery and Virgo denotes gardens. This country which he is leaving is full of islands and water...Mars is placed in its own house Scorpio and 6th from AL. This position is good from the finance point of view...In the d-10 chart we find that Sun being the lord of the 9th house is exalted in Mesha rasi and being 5th from lagna gave him a job change that too with lot of responsibilities(Administration). Jupiter which got exalted in rasi chakra of TPC is very nicely placed in the house of virgo in the 10th house of d-10 chart. It is the lord of the 4th house and lagna...This denotes the place of your office work. In fact the hospital in which he is going for work is very huge and has lot of commercial value....Vara lord is Jupiter and when exalted give him very good results for the entire period of 12 Months....Hora lord is Sun conjoined lagna and 8th lord denotes that he has to work for the sick...and it is also a badhaka for him...
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 08:32:34 +0000

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