Tithing: October 14, 2013 TODAY’S WORD FOR MONDAY OCTOBER 14, - TopicsExpress


Tithing: October 14, 2013 TODAY’S WORD FOR MONDAY OCTOBER 14, 2013. TITHING DEFINITION: The tenth part of goods; to give or pay a tenth part of goods or income for the support of the church. SCRIPTURE: You shall tithe all the increase of your grain that the field produces year by year. Deuteronomy 14:22. Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will over flow with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10 KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE: There are a number of principles that one who knows Jesus as Savior must live by if they want God’s blessing on their life. One of these principles is to tithe back to our Lord 10% of what He has blessed one with. Tithing is the setting aside of one tenth of all that God blesses us with to give back to the Lord. Tithing is of great significance in the life of those who are believers. Tithing is an important part of serving and honoring the Lord. The purpose of tithing is to demonstrate that we put God first in our lives. We are to give God the first fruits (the first and best) of what we receive. (Proverbs 3:9-10) Giving God the first part of our earnings shows what we value most. It is a temptation to take care of everything else first and give the Lord something only if there is money left over. If the Lord is not a priority, we cannot expect Him to bless us. Proverbs 9:10 tells us that those who honor the Lord with their tithe will have their barns filled with plenty. The Israelites were instructed by God through Moses to give God the first and best portions of their harvest and the best of their flocks to the Lord. It was a reminder to them that everything they had belonged to God. Over the years the Israelites forgot this instruction. In the book of Malachi, chapter 3 verse 6, God sends His messenger, the prophet Malachi to ask the Jews in Judah this question: “Will a man rob God?” This shocked them and they asked, “How do we rob God?” God answered them through the prophet, “In tithes and offerings.” If you are not tithing have you thought about the fact that you are robbing God? God went on to put out a challenge in Malachi 3:10. God says, “Test Me in this. Bring all your tithe into the storehouse and see if I will not pour out so much blessing that you will not have room for it.” From the time we were children our parents taught us the importance of tithing. They instilled in us that we were to give the first tenth of all the money we received before we spent it on anything else. I (Ken) can remember the cup and/or glass that sat on a table for us to put even our few pennies from our allowance in each week. My (Dotties) mother taught her three girls early on that if we received 10 pennies we should give the Lord the shiniest one signifying that we were giving our best to the Lord. It was a different day then, our allowance was in pennies. This training helped us realize the importance of tithing as we got older. We believe today that because we were taught as children to tithe and then we have practiced tithing all of our lives that it may be the single most important reason that God has blessed us so abundantly. When we speak of God’s blessings we are not saying God’s blessings are necessarily always material blessings, because God blesses us in ways that we are so much more meaningful and precious than material things. If a tenth seems a lot, then remember two very important things. First, all we have belongs to God. Secondly, we cannot out give God. We have found that the more we give the more God blesses us. We challenge you to tithe if you do not now. We could give you many examples of how God has blessed others just as he has blessed us. We learned to tithe even when it was difficult. We learned to give a tithe when we had to tighten an already tight budget. But every time when we needed help or came to a crises God provided far and beyond our need. LEARNING: Our memory verse for this week is found in I Timothy 2:5. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. PRAYER: Keep me faithful in tithing to you from all that You have blessed me with. Thank You, dear Lord for providing for me and my family in such a marvelous way. We honor You and thank You for being our God, our Lord and our Savior. ift.tt/18AbRcT
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:22:59 +0000

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