Title:- THE PLACE OF SOUL WINNING John 15:16...“Ye have not - TopicsExpress


Title:- THE PLACE OF SOUL WINNING John 15:16...“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever ye shall ask of the father in my name, he may give it to you”. From the above scripture it is abundantly clear that God is not existing for us rather we are the one living and existing for God. Consequently, therefore if our heart desire is to enter into the best life possible for mankind one utmost common purpose of God for mankind is soul winning. The supreme task of every follower of Christ is world evangelism. According to 1Timothy 1:15 Jesus came among other things to save the lost soul, He died to save lost souls. Today, Jesus is seated at the right hand of God in the heavenly places and we His followers have become His spiritual body on earth where He desires to continue saving lost souls. According to 1Peter 2:9 the word of the covenant says “But ye are chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people that ye should show forth the princes of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light”. So no one should be and is excempted from this awesome assignment of soul winning. For we are not just chosen we have equally been called into this ministry of soul winning. If you are a business man your place of business is your pulpit, if you are a spirit person, you field of practice is your pulpit, if you are a professional your pulpit is right there in your office, while student and teachers pulpit are in there classroom. Everybody has a pulpit without an excemption. Ephesians 5:17 says “It is foolishness not to pay attention to the plans and purposes of God . One of the most profitable venture you can be involved in on the earth is soul winning. Proverbs 11:30 says “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth soul is wise”. So you see it is great wisdom to follow and be involved in this plan of God it will make us to access cheaply the best life possible for man kind. The only problem we have in the body of Christ are people who are apt at claiming promises of God without accepting responsibility to do what it takes for the promises of God to be fulfilled in their lives this I believe is the major reason many christians are going through virtually every trouble the world is going through. A change is coming your way as you embrace this all important wisdom of God. In Jesus name. YOU RECEIVE WAGES: John 4:36 says “He that reapeth receiveth wages”. The truth is this it is the wages God pays you among other thing for being a soul winner that makes you to enter into the best life possible for mankind. Romans 10:15 says “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace”. As you commit yourself to spreading good news of prosperity, divine heath, deliverance and peace, God will see to it that you yourself do not lack testimonies. In Luke 5:1-10 when peter partnered with Jesus by sowing the seed of his boat for the purpose of evangelism, he entered into a net breaking and boat sinking dimension of breakthrough. The likes of what Israelites were enjoying in Egypt in the midst of global economic crisis of that time. Genesis 47:27. So there can be trouble, famine everywhere if you will commit to fulfilling this plans of God of soul winning everywhere you go will become your Goshen, you will not only have possessions, you will experience accelerated progress and become exceedingly fruitful. Operating this wisdom of God on soul winning is one way we will be excempted from financial crisis that the world is going through right now. In Matthew 16:26…Jesus said what will it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul”. That means from souls are God’s perspective more valuable than all the financial, material assets of this world. That is why it is not your skill or effort as it were that will grant you access to the best life possible for mankind but the grace of God as demonstrated in the wisdom of God for soul winning. Hear this testimony, a brother that worked in a bank walked in this wisdom of God by witnessing to a brother to start coming to church. In the process of time his convert became a billionaire. One day, this new convert invited this brother the banker to his office and gave him a whopping seed of N30 Million. According to the testimony of his convert he said to this brother banker, you are the one God used to bring me to Christ, now Christ have blessed me I want you too to go and make money. This is how profitable soul winning venture can be. There is no way, the bank where this brother works could have paid him N30 Million , even after his retirement but such wages are no big deal for our God. Soul winning is it if our desire is to experience supernatural provision. The Bible says in Luke 15:17 that “there is celebration in heaven when a soul gives his life to Christ, therefore there is no way you will be a channel of celebration in Heaven and be a victim of sorrow and mourning on the earth. No sir, Our God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. YOU ARE PROTECTED: Soul winning is partnering with Jesus. In Matthew 28:20 Jesus after giving the church the great commission assured them that and Lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world. In the real sense of it we have become the spiritual body of Christ where He carries out and continue His ministry of world evangelism. Romans 8:31…“If God be for us who will be against us”. Friends, divine presence will protect you against satanic harassment any day anytime. The reason is very simple anytime you go on assignment that God is involved in, God accepts responsibility to protect and preserve you. In Luke 10:17 when the seventy returned from their evangelism operation hear what they said…even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. When you are on the go for Jesus know for sure that divine presence becomes your heritage and with God being on your side no demon or Satanist can harm you. Divine presence immunizes us against every kind of satanic attack be it sickness or any form of oppression. Soul winning is a potent way of serving God and every soul winner has assurance from God to enjoy divine health. Exodus 23:25 says “When we serve the Lord He will take sickness away from us”. The reason is very simple an oppressed and sick person cannot serve the Lord effectively. This is one reason the Lord want to make you His worthy ambassador by being your personal doctor. John 15:12 says “God cleanses a fruitful Christian from every form of what can cause disease in his body so that he can bear more fruit (paraphrased). God wants to partner with us to give devil a show down, depopulate hell and set his captives free and evangelism is the tool He wants to effect that. God cannot be with you and still be in bondage, no it is not possible. 2Corinthians 3:17 says “Wherever the spirit of God is there is liberty”. How we need divine presence in life adventure. Honestly it is great foolishness not mind the plans of God on soul winning. YOU WILL RECEIVE DIRECTION: Proverbs 11:30 says “He that winneth soul is wise”. And one great virtue of wisdom is divine direction. Solomon says the by the help of Holy Spirit that wisdom is profitable to direct. When we are committed to walking in this wisdom of God on soul winning what we need to do to become great God will show it to us. You remember the story of peter in Luke 5:1-8 after he gave his boat for the purpose of evangelism, Jesus rewarded him among other things by showing him where his harvest his. In verse 4 of chapter 5 of Luke Jesus simply said…Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught, once we start witnessing effectively we will never lack divine direction which is the mother of manifestation and supernatural breakthrough. Many people are walking in the dark just doing trial and error in their ventures that is why they are not making any impact if we want to enter into the best life possible for mankind soul winning is not an option, it is a must. Many have prayed and fasted but are not getting desired result one little wisdom they need to embrace is soul winning. John 15:16 says “When we operate in the wisdom of God whatever we ask from God He will give it to us”. So one way we receive answer to our prayer is through soul winning. Most times it is little thing that makes big things to work. Start witnessing today and you will see how answer to your prayer will begin to flow in. You can not be a channel of bringing solution/good news to others and remain a victim of circumstances. No whatever we make happen for others God will definitely make happen for us. Show others how to get to heaven and you too will definitely wear the crown of righteousness when you get to heaven. 2Timothy 4:8. Most times, why our prayers are not receiving answers is largely due to our feeble commitment to soul winning. In Zachariah 7:13 the Bible says “Therefore it is come to pass that as he cried and they would not hear saith the Lord”. So, soul winning is God wisdom for guarantee answered prayers. IT WILL TAKE PRAYER: In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said “I will build my church and the gate of hell will not prevail over it”. So because of the value and blessings of soul winning, you must understand that the gates of hell will not fold their hands and see you entering into the best life possible for mankind, there will be resistance. This is why your prayer life and altar must be on fire if you want to become a successful soul winner. 1Corithians 16:9 says “A great effectual door is opened and there are many adversaries”. Yes, soul winning is our password to best life possible for mankind but you must be ready to contend with the satanic forces who will naturally want to frustrate your desire to walk in this wisdom. Souls are won primarily on the altar of prayer before it becomes a reality in the natural. In Ezekiel 36:37 the Bible says “Thus says the Lord God for this also I will let the house of Israel inquire of me to do it for them I will increase their men like a flock”. In order words, when Israelites becomes active on the altar of prayers they will start winning soul cheaply. It is only God that can open the heart of people, Solomon says in Proverbs 21:1 that God turns the heart of people either so ever He likes. In Acts 16:14 God had to open the heart of Lydia to heed what Paul was saying Satan delights in blind folding people that is why many cannot see reason to give their lives to Christ inspite of several invitations to come to church. 1Corithians 4:4 says “Satan blindfold people from seeing the light of the gospel”. This is the major reason you must be active in your prayer altar if you want to be an effective soul winner. In Isaiah 66:8 the bible says…when Zion (the church) travail in prayer he gave birth in order to give birth to spiritual children we must be fervent in prayer to God to give us a conducive environment to evangelize. This is what the disciple of Christ were praying for in Colossians 4:3. Prayer will move God to open the heart of the person we are witnessing to and equally establish them in faith Ecclesiastes 3:14 says whatever the lord doeth shall be forever. One thing we must always bear in mind is that we cannot win soul in our own power alone. No! It will require divine partnership. It is Christ in us that actually convict people, John 3:5 says except a man is born of water and the spirit he cannot see the kingdom of God. So it is the ministry of the word of God combined with the move of Holy Spirit that can get any soul saved. This is why we must constantly minister first to God before endeavoring to minister to people. This is the admonition of God to Moses and Aaron in 1Chronicles 23:13 the bible says the sons of Amram; Aaron and Moses and Aaron was separated that he should sanctify the most holy things he and his sons forever to burn incense before the Lord to minister unto him and to bless in his name forever. So in order to be an effective soul winner we must first be effective in ministering to the Lord by getting into His word, praise, prayer and receiving instructions from Him. It is only God who knows the particular word that will minister effectively to the person we are witnessing to, so it is in the place of ministering to God through His word, prayers and praise that we receive wisdom on how to evangelize. So it is not just running around to witness we need to first be effective on our prayer altar and in our study of the word. When this is in place every attempt of satan to attack us with fear will be paralysed. The cure for fear is the power of God which is received essentially as we minister to God in prayers and internalizing His word. Devil even attempted to cripple the ministry of Paul with fear but he prevailed through prayers. Ephesians 6:18-19 says “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all men”. 19’ And for me that utterance may be given unto me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. So when we labour adequately in prayer the word of God will flow freely and the anointing we required will be released upon us. Once you receive the anointing, the wisdom to witness will equally be released. 1John 2:20 says “You have this anointing and you know all things”. So anointing teaches us all things including how to witness effectively. BE STEADFAST: Isaiah 1:19 says “If you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the Land”. There are a times you will give God obedience in going out for soul winning. You may have even prayed and fasted and have received wisdom from God and it may appear you are not receiving positive response from the person you are witnessing to. This is the reason you must embrace the virtue of steadfastness in prayers and in keeping on witnessing to your target somebody that is not responding today may however start responding positively tomorrow if we don’t give up. We must realize that everything precious and treasureable will require determination to reap the fruit of same. Look at the rewards of soul winning enumerated above, it for anything devil will like to rubbish any genuine son’s of God testimonies. He wants us to say, there is nothing to this Christianity and soul winning thing that is a lie from the pit of hell. The key word is to be steadfast and give no ground to satan in prayers studying of the word and in witnessing even in the face of negative responses. They might even insult you a times that does not mean anything always remember there is money in the mouth of every fish caught so keep on fishing for soul, you will soon trigger a celebration in heaven which in turn will make God to give you something to rejoice about and dance about in your business and life. It is not impossible that you too did not respond immediately you heard the word of salvation. Even if you did by given your life to God same day you heard the message of salvation it will definitely not be the same day you matured instantly as a Christians walking in complete obedience to the instructions of God in the bible, flawless in every aspect. Though we may not see the fruit immediately in the natural, know for sure that if prayer of faith and obedience of faith are place in the area of soul winning God is working actively in the spiritual unseen realm. 2Corinthians 4:18 says we look not at thing that are not seen for they are temporary while things we do not see are eternal. So don’t you give up on that brother or sister, God is working in the unseen realm. BE HEAVENLY MINDED A wise man once said the most important thing in life is to be certain of where we are going the day our heart stop beating. I believe this is thoughtful and profound in the sense that man is an undying being if he does not go to heaven he will certainly go to hell there is no way out of the two options. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NLT) says “God has planted eternity in the human heart”. Man is an essentially a spirit he only has a soul and lives in a body. One essential nature of spirit is that they are made to last forever spirit don’t die. This is main reason I believe it is great wisdom to start preparing for the next life after this one. The word of the covenant says time is short. Even if a man lives for one hundred and fifty years on the earth, compared to where we will live forever it is still like a blink of an eye. This is the major reason every discerning heart must as a matter of urgency be enlisted as a serious soul winner. We should focus on what matters most in life and not get unnecessarily attached too much to this temporary world. Hebrews 13:14 (L.B) says “This world is not our home we are looking forward to our everlasting home in heaven”. Heaven is our everlasting home; this world is just preparing us for it. You will make it to heaven in Jesus name. (Amen).
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 14:33:52 +0000

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