Title : 1 During Britannia =UK rule to India 110 years - TopicsExpress


Title : 1 During Britannia =UK rule to India 110 years ,1937 to 1947 , , Bomb blast =terrorist activities 39 people captured by Britain government ,, =99% were Hindu , named Veer savarkar, Sukh Dev , Rajvir , Bhagat Singh , Chandra Shaker Azzad , Bal gangadhar Tilak , ++ its real history of Hindu terrorism, in UK rule also , most of these Hindu terrorist were Brahmin=Pundit , , upper cast Hindu, ( Veer savarkar, was expert Hindu terrorist to make Bombs , explosives , (( and Bal gangadhar Tilak, also ) 2 Britain government , Administration , Police did best effective Counter terrorism due to which Hindu terrorist were only able to do 10=ten =9+1 Bomb blasts =terrorist activities , in 110 years , these terrorist those responsible for these bomb blast =terrorist activities were 99% Hindu , the Hindu terrorist main target were UK =Real high officials , and UK Police ., army officials , , 3 as UK , Britain police were honest effective hence they captured only , responsible real Hindu terrorists in Jail that why in 110 years of UK rule only 10 Bomb blast take place because the doers were jail and were hang till death , this is real history of India tell that Hindu only.,99% terrorist captured by UK police wee Hindu terrorist it tell that in real old history also Hindu were doing terrorist activities, and all doers were Hindu , 5 they=Hindu terrorists were doing these activities to get power , rule Money , rise of Hindu religion , rise of Hindu flag, and to do all things to make happy to Hindu community =freedom of rule ,with Hindus !!?? 6 as Britain administration top post were hold by UK Real citizens , and Middle top also by UK Citizens , the lower UK Police post =constable head constable was with Hindu and there population was 15 , 20 lacks, the Middle official post of UK police were hold =like inspectors , sub inspectors , by Muslims officers those all shift to Pakistan , after 1947 , and UK real citizen move to UK after 1947 !!. These are talks of 1900 Era , Hindu were capable to do numbers of Bomb blasts =terrorist activities to hit powerful UK Top officials those were have Its powerful army in whole world, UK , that time Hindu terrorist were able to do such terrorist activities that time Hindu population was 200 -300 Millions, Hindu were not having huge money, Not having Nuke Bombs =3500 , not having Nuke Missile =Agni 5,6,710 range 10,000 km to 25,000 km, ISRO =isro.gov.in 150 Hindu satellites , Now India have 10 millions Hindu army troops , 10 millions JIC,IB,MI RAW NIA named cruel killer Hindu intelligence people ,. to do terror activities to do full support in anti christen genocide 2008 Orissa Karnataka, Chhattisgarh , , Hindu were having few millioner , few billioners , few cars , most of them like , Veer savarkar, , Bal gangadhar Tilak , named hard core Hindutava people, like Narandra Modi !!. ,Now Hindu are 1.45 billions in population, Have , 500 millions ,millioners , have 10 million Billioners ,like Gujarat population is 65 millions , it have 40 millions cars with Guajarati, it have 35 millioner millioner , like Udaipur city 313001 raj India population is 4.5 lacks it have 1.25 lacks cars , it have 1.0 lacks millioners 10,000 billioners , , most of them like , Veer savarkar, , Bal gangadhar Tilak , named hard core Hindutava people, like Narandra Modi !!. tehelka/story_main48.asp?filename=Ne010111The_unturned.asp tehelka/story_main48.asp?filename=Ne150111Coverstory.asp tehelka/story_main50.asp?filename=Ws130911Maharashtra.asp en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arun_Gawli tehelka/story_main35.asp?filename=Ne031107gujrat_sec.asp yogiadityanath.in yogiadityanath.in/hindu-rashtra-nepal-book.html 7 ,Now also, , in All bomb blasts in INDIA , done by Hindu terrorists , activities done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists with support of IB ,JIC,RAW ,MI,NIA, Defense ministry India, Home ministry India, [email protected], =nia.gov.in !! , to take political benefits against innocent poor Non Hindu minority of INDIA, and to get rise for Hindu religion , Hindu power on name of Three color flag, rise to 1.40 billions Hindu voters Nation, to make strong tie with Burma Army and Burma military ruler , to make rise in geopolitical; power of INDIA ,by putting name of ISI, Bangladesh , Pakistan army , Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, UAE , AND to make China =Buddhists nation against Pakistan , Bangladesh ., against Muslims of OIC nations , to make china in favor of INDIA,. Burma ,!!!?????? ( UN people ,Interpol ,UNODC , other prime Police department must accept that India name is under top corrupt nation ,from past 64 years of its freedom ,its Police, civil servant ,political organization is under top corrupt organization of world , its huge population nation with none of honesty !!? Ref =Transparency International reports(UN Branch ) from past 1950 to till now about India about its these three department !!??) And this factor is true like Nature , notable point is this IB =RAW is successful to make fool its Government from past 64 years !!?? Here in This nation ,people are Professional in corruption , have reached to expert level , by playing with World bank ,EU Banks , Charity money from past 64 years ,here 95% corruption in charity by NGOs , Other common man !!?/ Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD, against Al-Qaida , many against Hindutava terrorist ,Indian terrorists (1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007) (2) Malegaon bomb blast case (8 September 2006) and Malegaon Bomb Blast 2008 (its second bomb blast happened in Malegaon after 2 =two of first bomb blast ) (3) Mumbai Train bomb blast case of 2006 (11 July 2006) (4) Ahmedabad bomb blasts & Surat unexploded bombs (26 July 2008) (5) Delhi bomb blast 2008 (13 September 2008 (6) Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast (18 May 2007 (7) Ajmer Sharif Dargah Blast (11 October 2007) (8) Serial Blasts in U.P. courts (23 November 2007) (9)) Jaipur Blasts (13 May 2008) (10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006) yogiadityanath.in/achivements_rajnitik.html yogiadityanath.in/gallery.html en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arun_Gawli Webs to Show the fact of saffron Indian Muslims at all level all ways , of act ndtv/article/india/diary-detailing-love-affair-jealousy-holds-clues-to-shehla-masoods-murder-181997 indianexpress/news/zahida-couldnt-bear-shehlas-proximity-to-legislator-says-cbi/919420/0 Title 2 : India =Hindu nation =98% H1 B Visa , Citizenships , B1 Visa , L Visa ,J Visa , Diplomatic Visas of USA ,Europe nation is with Hindu=Upper cast , ,Hindu minorities ,Hindu OB= Other back ward class = Jain, Sikh , Parsee ++ Seni ,Teli , Khatik ,Kumawat , Hindu hair cutter , Hindu oil worker , Hella , = only !!? India all top posts 99% of army , Police , Civil servants =Powerful , top politician ++ all top , are with Hindu only , power jobs 99% , top jobs 99% are with Hindu only !!??
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 08:50:30 +0000

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