Title : How Indian Intelligences (Indian government paid - TopicsExpress


Title : How Indian Intelligences (Indian government paid terrorists, North block ,south Block ) acquire (obtain ) pass words of emails , Facebook++ bank of each Indian christen Muslims and each Indian (( all illegally ) , ( its even you change your new pass word every day ) Indian Intelligences doing this via use of CMS =Central Monitoring system ,at Delhi, When ever each Person of INDIA log in , at His emails , Facebook ++ with pass word , its auto saved on CMS = Central Monitoring system ,Super Computer on Delhi, and this software provide them ability to read your pass word like we can see on IPhone ,Black berry , even you make every day new pass word of your emails , Facebook++ bank ,they are using these pass words to delete your ( Indian christen ,Muslims+ other ) good emails , using your account with out your permission , will hijacked ,kidnapped your emails Facebook accounts and , and will make it all goods zero , You will not able to get Best life , prospect , future , career , power , these Hindu dogs paid from Indian government (of Hindu nation INDIA ) will delete your all good valuable emails and make your emails good like necked , useless , these all to power Hindu to power three color flag, to power billions Hindu economic , all for Hindu nation benefits =for Hindi ,Hindu , H- world benefits= neoliberal economic interests (Hindu -Economic ) These people will make you , your emails , Facebook , like a tree with out fruit and with out lentil ,like necked tree , It I understand from my real life at Internet from 1998 July to till now 12-03-2014 , even I have all world best security protection at my laptop Dell Ispiron 1525 i, with Norton 360 6.0 , with Dell advanced secure system , ++ other all , even then Indian government paid terrorists =Hindu dogs , JIC,IB,MI RAW [email protected], pmindia.nic.in , are making my =Ruhel Chisty FRACI CChem A ,MRSC CChem A power value , rise , prospect , future like necked tree , =Zero at emails , Facebook ,while in real I have more liked , more love at International level then any Indian prime minister , any Indian chief minster because these are Rich Hindu ,Indian con corrupt sin evil and doing all things for Hindu , billions Hindu and for own rise in power and economic , which these people called as INDIAN (A Con word to get international aids , beg from ADB, IMF, world bank, ++ on name of three color flag ) , while I am working for whole world community like whole nations from Africa , ME=Gulf, USA, EU,. UN ,.UNGA ,,UNSC , except Hindu ,saffron Muslims saffron christen , My idea to profit , rise power , prospect is to 7.5 billions population of christen and Muslims (OIC ) I have no place , no room for Hindu, Indian , No No , no way , , (( Indian Intelligences JIC(Joint intelligence committee ) IB,MI RAW ,[email protected] ) Atal Biharii Vajpayee , pass out from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh ,India university with BA political science 48% , and LK Advani , Narandra Modi pass out from Gujrat university BA , MA political science with 49.9% , 53% , See these all were not talented students but as they are Hindu hence they became MLA, MP, Prime minister ,Home minister Chief minister from full support of millions Hindu voters , this is the way India=Hindu nation system work , Author: Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ( real life’s Article for Saudi Arabia King Abdulla and its Ministry of Labor, shoura council members of KSA) ) Title : 1 Saudi Arabia , ,Oman , Qatar , UAE = Abu Dhabi , Kuwait , Braham there are 80 lacks Indian working on Indian pass port , , from this 89% Management posts , High salary (10,000 Saudi Riyal per month to 30,000 Saudi Riyal per month ) jobs of Saudi Arabia , ,Oman , Qatar ,, filled by Hindu only , like Manager , Sr engineers ++ , on INDIAN pass port , by use of ggheewala, jerry Varghese plus other HR agents in Mumbai via ordering then from North Block, PMO =pmindia.nic.in, [email protected] that sent only Hindu Resume s for Higher posts in Saudi Arabia, UAE, += and for lower post like meson, taxi driver .,, sent Indian Muslims Indian christen resume , !!?? its I seen in real in my Life 1990 to 2014 jan in ME=Gulf Jobs captured by Hindu =Indian !!?? ( INDIA = a Hindu Nation of 1.50 Billions Hindu voters , )) sapulse/new_comments.php?id=7337_0_1_0_C 2 in 1989 , when I =Minority by birth in India , =Christen , doing BSc=Graduate with 75% Physics , 74% Chemistry , 60% Maths, Indian rich Hindu think tank distributed yellow pamphlets with news papers , to all Indian Hindu =1.1 Billions Hindu that time , homes by telling them following points , 1 Do Not allow any Indian Muslim to get Government jobs , central or state level , 2 Do not allow to Indian Muslim to get Refineries petrochemical oil gas official ,middle officer , managements jobs of India, 2 Do Not allow Indian Muslims to get high % marks , in Exams like MBBB. MD, BSc , MSc ,, BTech, MTech, only give them 3rd, 2 div degree , only , do NOT give ,70% 80%, 90%,99.9% degree , allow them to get just Lowest degree , make it all possible to supply A3 Paper list of Hindu students to all Examiners ,exam copy checker of BSc, MSc, MTech .Btech ,MBBS,MD ,of India (those are mainly Hindu only ) and ask them to provide more them 75% marks to normal and just above Hindu students hence on basis of these High % degree they(Hindu students ) will able to get Good official jobs government jobs , management jobs in INDIA, Saudi Arabia , UAE, USA, EU UN ,Japan, Korea , Australia , Africa , 3 Published Hindu student any research paper in Indian journals all of science , technology ,medical , ++ , research papers , news papers ., so that they will able to get Jobs , Degree from USA, EU ME =Gulf as professors , lectures engineers doctors , on basis of this published , 3 Do Not allow Indian Muslims to get Jobs in private as well , like Infosis, Tata , Reliance , Birla ++ 4 Do Not allow Indian Muslim to get PhD in Science , Engineering medical , 5 Do Not allow any Indian Muslims , girl to get Higher education jobs, 6 try to make atmosphere to make Indian Muslim population as modern slave of Hindu , 7 Try to do rape , Kill of Indian Muslim girls women any many places , ++ 8 do not provide Jobs of police , army , civil servants , doctors, engineers , professors , lecturer , to Indian Muslims , and after each year and year I seen in real life that they did successful these all things in Indian Muslims life , from 1989 to 2003 , 2014 !!?? (in this all things to happened smoothly 100% successfully JIC, IB, MI RAW CID , with ISRO =isro.gov.in based 100 Hindu satellites in 1989 did full support via remote sensing technology to this Hindu think tank and see in 1999 what I seen these all talks take place 100% in INDIA =1.50 Billions Hindu voters ,Hindu nation ruled by BJP or congress of SP or SS , or Akalidal or TMC , ++
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:35:19 +0000

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