Title: How i met her. (based on a true story) I was on Facebook - TopicsExpress


Title: How i met her. (based on a true story) I was on Facebook one night and I was super bored so I posted a status that said lms if you wanna talk, about 5 minutes later a girl liked it and it was funny at the time because I saw this girl in school a lot and I always thought she was really cute, I messaged her asking how she was doing and she replied but she was sad, so I cheered her up and I made her feel better and we got into a very nice conversation and we ended up talking all night till we had to go to sleep. The next day at school when I was walking to my second period class I heard someone say Jordan wheres the fish? and I looked over to my right and it was her, I was kind of surprised she said something to me but I replied idk but im gonna bring it. We had a funny convo about me slapping her with a fish lol. The next day I thought it would be funny to actually slap her with a fish but I couldn’t find one so I got a toy stingray xD well I got into the school and saw her and I went right up to her, took it out of my backpack and hit her lightly with it and it was just great xD we were laughing and smiling and it was only the second time I met her but that smile and laugh was just gorgeous. For days at school in the morning id walk around the school in the morning with her and her friends just messing around and laughing and it was all funny and I really enjoyed just being around her all the time, I always caught me starring at her though haha I never knew if she noticed or not xD the second to last Friday, the week before exams I had the worst anxiety… I felt like I was going to puke up my insides and I felt so dizzy and I didn’t want to be there at all… in almost all of my classes I sat outside crying cus I felt so sick and it literally felt as if my heart was going to beat out of my chest and fall in front of me. The bell rang that Friday to go to 7th hour and her class was right next to mine and I was just sitting on the bench and she already knew I was feeling horrible… she came over to me and looked down at me and the look on her face just showed that she was worried and felt bad.. She put her head on top of mine and hugged me and it was absolutely amazing it made me feel so much better.. It also made me catch major feeling for her, it showed that she actually cares. After that I went down to the nurse and I fell asleep for the entire period and I woke up feeling just amazing, we ended up talking all weekend long and the best part about it… we opened up to each other about our feelings toward one another and you havent felt that butterflies like these until the girl you like tells you she likes you also c: It was the second to last day of school and me and her were joking around the night before saying we were going to kiss each other and do cute things, when I got to school me and her were talking and then there was a moment of silence, I looked down at her and leaned forward and we kissed, Ive never had so many butterflies throughout my body before.. I legit almost flew away that’s how amazing it felt, after we just looked at each other smiling. We later got home and all we did was talk about how amazing that kiss was and we made a few cute bets c: later on, on the last day of school I got inside and I was waiting for her but when I saw her she walked right passed me… I ran up and caught up to her to find out she was rushing to get to a friend cus of some stuff and I followed her. We found her friend and we started walking around the school like usual but I felt as if I was being ignored, she sort of was just talking to her friend and not me, it probably sounds selfish of me but I really just wanted to talk to her, we ended up talking a little bit and we were joking around and I went in to kiss her again but she turned her head… I didn’t know if she did that on purpose to mess around or if she was having second thoughts about me. We walked up stairs and before the bell rang we hugged and then we went to go take our first exam, the entire time I was overthinking I was hoping she wasn’t having second thoughts about me.. Cus I had very strong feelings for her and I was honestly scared to lose her already. I got done with my exam and just kept thinking and I posted a status on Facebook kind of hoping she would see, is said did I do something wrong? /.\-feeling confused she did see it and she messaged me asking if I was ok and I said yep, she then asked me if I wanted to meet up with her before she leaves (she was leaving early that day) and I said sure. After the bell rang I caught up to her and we talked a little bit and we went over to where her ride is to pick her up, we kind of stared at each other a little bit and then we hugged goodbye… but she looked up at me and I looked down at her and she kissed me… I cannot tell you how relieved I was… I swear I was so happy and I was soo speechless when it happened… I kissed her back and GAHHH! All the bad thoughts, all the overthinking and all the worries disappeared just like that.. It made me so happy :) we then hugged and kissed again and I started walking away with my friend explaining to him what just happened and how happy I am and then I realized she was leaving and I had one for thing to do before the last day of school ended, I ran back over to her and pulled her away from her friends and I looked at her and said do you wanna be with me? and the most amazing thing happened… she said yes
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 01:50:45 +0000

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