Title : I WAS A GUITARIST...-A tale of heartbroken Musician - TopicsExpress


Title : I WAS A GUITARIST...-A tale of heartbroken Musician !! Story by : Vikrant Darnal Penned By : Saahil Sattar Genre : Romance / Drama / Musical STORY STARTS.... Life is so meaningless without music…. “I was a Guitarist” is a true story … This story was self-narrated by him and it goes as follows:- “Never had I thought that music would one day become my life…..but it was all becasuse of the inspiration I had gained from my brother, who was a highly recognized musician of his time…. There was always a great feeling holding his trophies in my hands…. This inspired me to go forward in the music field…. My brother was always ready to teach despite his busy schedule…. He would always postpone his meetings and music recordings to teach me ….. probably it was his encouragement and perseverance which made me the more inspirational to learn from him…. Although the first few lessons on the instrument mouth-organ was a complete failure my brother realized that I had a good voice and could take vocals more seriously …. He gave me vocal lessons for hours going on for days and it was not less than 4 months when I had grown elite as a vocalist ….it was not late when my brother started my guitar lessons….. playing the guitar was never easy knowing the fact that my brother’s favourite instrument too was the guitar…… he was unexpectly more strict during these lessons but surely his hardwork and guidance made me again grow as a guitarist and not long after when playing the guitar became my passion….. I would sing and play the guitar for hours in his studio sitting alone and practicing….. it made me express my feelings in the best way possible….. and I started feeling that yes ! I might deserve to be called a musician now…. Practicing for days and nights ….did’nt make me tired but made me more determined to reach my goal…. “To be recognized as a musician “….. 2 years later Life was going amazing in college …. Music and friends…. The perfect duo ……. Don’t need anything else in life when u have these…… I had finally found a band of my own in college and finally everyone recognized me as a musician….. we performed at the college and the crowd response was almost phenomenal… our next target was “MUSICOPEDIA FESTIVAL ‘11” …. Almost half of the city was to be present for this amazing festival for it was the greatest musical festival in the city and there would be performances from all colleges to add to it… We were confident about the performances which just required a little practice….. I had written a few songs this time and to my surprise everyone liked it too…. So we went on with the practice with one song …. And the other songs later because the competition was in 4 phases…. We had never felt that much confident with any song before as that one and were very much determined to win the music competition … but more than winning for us it was to win over the crowd….. It was no time when the time had arrived ….we learned that we were a formidable band…. Which very easily surpassed the 1st , then the 2nd and 3 again which was the semi-finals as u could call it ….. We were through to the finals which was to take place on the next week giving us plenty of time to practice but we realized that we need something new to add to our songs for greater crowd response in the finals to ensure our win….. and the ideas came about to add a female vocalist to the performance… no one obviously ha no objection but the question was where would we get a female vocalist….. One night I was I was playing the guitar to myself when the phone rang…. It was a call from my frnds that they had found a female vocalist and she was called to the studio so I should too be arriving there …. So I hustled and hurriedly ventured towards the auditorium when suddenly it started raining…. Everyone started running for shelter and so did I…. hurriedly run to the nearest shelter possible….. I stood there with the crowd and waited for the rain to recede ….. …. And suddenly …. 1 girl comes running towards me….. her face fully hidden by her hair….. and stood there in the shelter right in front of me….. I was not trying to concentrate on her rather waiting for the rain to recede …. But then the cold breeze blew her reveiling her face…. That moment, that millisecond. The very first instance I stared into her eyes . It seemed, just in that short span, she has made time stop. The area around me became surreal. Colors started to meld into one, objects became blurry, people become memories, and sound becomes white noise. It is just you, and her. Nothing can ever be so lovely. I could feel almost all my heartbeats rhyming up and leading up to a melody …. Words didn’t seem appropriate to compare that feeling…. I was completely left breathless as if she had walked out of one of my dreams…. I don’t know whether it was love at first sight or anything…it was just beyond any explanation…. Suddenly , I was put back to my senses when her phone rang and she hurried off somewhere…. I kept thinking about her throughout…. When I reached the studio they told the girl would arrive at any moment so I went ot take out my guitar and tighten the strings……. When suddenly she walks in …. It was the very girl who I saw previously ….. they told me that she would be the female vocalist but again I was out of my senses and seemed to be somewhere not in this world but a world of my own….. Somehow gathering my senses back I shaked hands with her and our practice begun….. I couldn’t stop thinking abt her even a secong now that she was practicing with me for hours … I would fumble in the song millions of times …. My frnds were astonished by that fact cos it had never happened before but it was long before my best buddy realized that I had feelings for that girl……. He came to one night after everyone had left after the day’s practice ….. he was straight forward and didn’t hesitate to ask me if I had feelings for that girl….. I knew that no one would understand me better than him so too confessed that I didn’t know if it was love or something else but I couldn’t stop thinking abt her …… He knew at that very moment that I was in love …. He made me realize that it was nothing but love and I shouldn’t take long to express my feelings to her.... I told him that I wanted to sing her a song after the performance …. I had already written the song and showed it to him ….. he thought It was a very gud idea ….. Finally the day had arrived…. I was excited not only because of the performance and us winning it for sure but to finally reveal my feelings for her….. Ours was supposed to be the last performance and running throught the other performances we were pretty sure we would win this ….. soon it was finally time for our performance ….. standing with her on the stage was again the same feeling as if no one was around …. Just me and her….. the crowd response was amazing …. From the beginning till the very end….. and soon it was over …. In the crowd’s amazing noise I realized that it was the best time to reveal my feelings …… But all of a sudden my best buddy from behind started singing and to my greatest regret it was my song… which I compose and wrote for her ..just for her to express my feelings and unconditionally love for her …and my best buddy do dis to me …I feel like I am nowhere…and he propose her in front of all and for that she got so upset and left that place and go so much far away from me….and I did call her and I tell her the truth but she denies all that and disconnect the phone….. She doesn’t even see that how much I love her and from that day I feel so alone and low.. Like I don’t want anyone in my life ….and left my band and that city forever… So dats my journey where my best ones cheat me and whom I love the most is going far away from me....but that’s not enough…I think that problem and pains of mine are over.. But god doesn’t want that…and he has some more for me….. ……..its not end here…..TO be continued… This is only the First Part of the Story....
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 11:54:22 +0000

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