Title : INDIA Nuke Navy (=1.47 Billions Hindu voters - TopicsExpress


Title : INDIA Nuke Navy (=1.47 Billions Hindu voters nation) , A reviewed article (,(INS Arihant =A Nuke bombs missile fire capable submarine Made in INDIA , (INS Arihant , its have 83 MW ,Nuke reactor made in INDIA , it can have 4 Nuke bomb capable Agni 5,6, and 12 Nuke bomb capable Agni 3, its speed 44 kmph ,) 1 Sea carrier , Vikrant 2, made in India and Vicramditiya 2 ( Gharvachof ,=Chandragupta Morya 2 , Capable to having =30 fighter planes =Mig29 K ( of Russia) , Tejjas (India ) fighter plane capable Nuke fuel =Nuke reactor made in India of 90 MW , put in Indian sea , in 2013 August , (Chandragupta Morya 2 was first cruel killer Hindu king who expand Hindu border to Iraq Iran ., Afghanistan , Syria , , Lebanon ++ his Hindu kingdom was very big , he win all war with brutally kill of lot of humen of other nations people , his Hindu army was very brutally to killing , he was alone very powerful Hindu king he was not having any Indian Muslim any Indian christen, in his army all army people were Hindu ) , then second powerful Hindu king was Ashoka , he was also brutally killer , his army was also brutally to killing ,he kill lacks of lacks people during his war wins, in many wars , he also expand Hindu kingdom near about Chandragupta Morya 2 near to Iran , ++ many other kings were fear from his cruelty +his killer army later own he converted in Buddha religion from Hindu , ) 2 26 July 2011 , INDIA put in sea INS Arihant =A Nuke missile fire capable submarine Made in INDIA and ,, Nuke fuel run , , made by India with support of USSR Russia scientists , which capable to fire 2000 kg nuke bomb loaded missile to hit any target at 12, 000 km, Which can hit to USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE, ,China , Australia any nation ) by making this India join elite club of USA, UK , China., France , Russia these nations only have capacity to built its own Nuke submarine , Pakistan also near toward to make Nuke submarine with help of China , with in few years , (INS Arihant , its have 83 MW ,Nuke reactor made in INDIA , it can have 4 Nuke bomb capable Agni 5,6, and 12 Nuke bomb capable Agni 3, its speed 44 kmph ,) 3 on Jan 2012 India buy , from Russia K152 , NERPA , a hunter killer submarine , nuke missile , capable nuke fuel run , this thing do not have by Pakistan , 4 in 2012 India test Agni 6,5 version which is a Nuke capable ballistic missile ICBM which can hit 12000 , 15000 km any target , it can carry 2000 kg Nuke bomb in it , means it can hit USA, EU, China, Australia , Saudi Arabia, UAE any nation on earth by Nuke bomb !!?? 5 India is nation which is continues making weapon grade Nuclear material and making Nuke bombs at present India have 3500 Nuke bombs in real in its war heads , ((Note : Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 anti Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape nuns , murder father ,burn many churches ,,Live burn of 2000 Indian christen , Karnataka 2008 anti Christen genocide =of 1990 Indian christen , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 anti Christen genocide of 1800 Indian christen .Gujarat 2002 Genocide of 2000 Indian Muslims =Total kill 8000 Human , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !? as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !? living in INDIA )) 6 India refused to signed 1 NTP, 2 CTBT, 3 PPRA, 4 FMCT these all are necessary for world peace and USA national security , to any Nuke bombs capable nation to signed , USA, France ,UK China , Russia already signed these 4 , as they want stable world peaceful world with out fear of Nuke attack, But on other hand , like Israel also refused signed all these 4 Norms , same North Korea also do NOT signed these all 4 norms , North Korea also a near Nuke bomb capable nation , 7 , due to INDIA , 1974 ,1998 Bombs blasts = total 10 India nuke bomb blasts , South East Asia peace became unstable , neighbors countries of small populations , start to fear , by dangerous Nuke bomb capable Hindu =Indira Gandhi, Narandra Modi like =billions Hindu population there elected top leaders ,, , and due to fear of existence of nation land , and fear of life of millions people Pakistan was forced to make Nuke Bombs, Nuke capable missiles in defense safety only , today Pakistan only have 60 nuke bombs and its Missile capacity is only 2000 km maximum , Pakistan can not hit 5000 km target as , its Scientist do not want to make any missile capacity more then 2000 km , not like Agni 5, Agni 6 No, No, !!?? 8 NTP= Nonproliferation treaty , PPRA =Plutonium production reactor agreement , FMCT =fissile material cut off Treaty , ++ , 9 India Nuke scientist are Culprits con, as in 2011 the chief scientists =Dr Satnaam , of 1998 Nuke 6 bomb blasts told in media with his few assistant that 1998 nuke bomb blasts all 5 were failed !!?? they want to make fool world by asking permission from USA ( Obama administration ) , EU, to allowed India =Hindu nation to do more Nuke bomb blasts by use of Indian media, Hindi(u) media , while I =Ruhel Chisty FRACI CChem A ,MRSC CChem was in India during 1998 , after Nuke Bomb blasts , that time all Indian media was full of news at front page full coverage up to 10 ,15 days continuous , that Atal Biharee Vajpayee make India as powerful Hindu nation ,.at global level , this Atal biharee Vajpee is that person who spoke in UNGA meeting in Hindi language first time of Indian history , BJP , is a nationalist Hindu , right wings Hindu huge population supported party ., was telling in media BJP make India in elite nuke bombs capable nation group, this Nuke tests of 1998 was done by BJP after all strong warning from USA, EU UN Not To Do nuke bomb tests !!??But Atal Biharii Vajpayee did not stop , did nuke bomb blast even after US threat of economic sensation , restriction curb, But BJP did , 5 =4+1 Hindu nuke bomb tests media was putting name APJ Abdul kalam as nuke hero of India as father of Agni missile =nuke capable missile , , , Those allowed by BJP =bjp.org =Hindu terrorists party prime minister Atal Biharii Vajpayee= [email protected], Home Minister =LK Advani = [email protected] , , 10 BJP =bjp.org is party loved , followed by 600 millions Hindu (strong lover ) of India , whose total population is 1.47 billions Hindu voters , this 600 millions Hindu voters BJP lover ,Hindu terrorists party lover population is twice of total USA population, three time of ME=Gulf population , 2 =twice of EU =UK , France , ++ population and 12 times of Pakistan population, now a days many leading Indian survey, in leading Indian news paper telling that 2014 Government will formed by BJP =Hindu terrorists party under Narandra Modi, under flag of three color !!?? 11 INDIA is nation of 1.47 Billions Hindu voters nation, those telling there prime minister must be Narandra Modi of BJP=bjp.org a Hindu terrorist party , which a anti christen genocide lover people party seen scientifically 2008 anti christen genocide Orissa, burn of many churches live burn and kill and rape of fathers , nun of churches ,
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:20:09 +0000

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