Title: Little Series of Ghost Encounters By: Crying Cats Author - TopicsExpress


Title: Little Series of Ghost Encounters By: Crying Cats Author To the readers: This will be my last post, for a while. I was debating whether or not to share this one since I think it will give me out, but these are just little series of encounters and descriptions of the type of ghosts Ive seen. Have you known someone that was so heart broken, lonely, ashamed, and abandoned that theyve committed suicide? I saw someone (a young Hmong woman dressed in Hmoob Xeev burial clothes. I know because my mom is Hmong Xeev). Anyways, I only saw her three times, but she always came to me in my dreams. She couldnt speak because (Im suspecting, she probably committed suicide by drinking something poisonous). She couldnt speak, but by dreaming, shed show me her life. She looked like an innocent girl. She didnt wear much make up, very natural. That was all before she died. Seeing her as a ghost, she wasnt scary. She was pitiful. She had burned black lips, dirty blackish-brown hair, a pale blue face, and very deep-set brown eyes. I havent seen her since she showed me her house or someones house. I dont know. I just remember her pointing me in directions. Following her, I ended up at a place. I was about to knock on the door. Then I woke up. That was my last encounter with her. I have a cousin who passed away when we were 7/8. He drowned, and it was rumored that dragons took him. His body is still undiscovered. Back then we used to play Niam Tais, Yawm Txiv all the time with each other. We used to talk about our 16th birthday, driving 4runners, and pink Barbie convertibles. During my 16th birthday, I wished that my cousins body would be discovered, and that my cousin wouldnt be dead. Boy, was I wrong for making that wish. My cousin (who I saw come visit me) was terrifying looking. He wore blue shorts and a white tee shirt. His legs were all cut up and scraped. His hair was all drippy covering his eyes. He didnt have any lips, but he had teeth like vampires. I saw him once and that was it. There was once a house spirit that wouldnt let me see it, but it had a lot of energy. It could turn on & off the tv, make dishes fall, break plates, and glass cups would fly from counter to counter. Once, my sister was making lasagna and grating cheese. I was being a little brat and arguing with my sister. Then the cheese that was on the table flew right at me sitting on the ground, right into my face. My sister wasnt even grating cheese anymore. She was doing something by the sink. It hit me, & I started crying and kicking. The next thing I knew, something covered my mouth with its hands. My sister, who saw everything happen, called my mom from the bedroom and told her. My uncle had to do a shaman ritual for both my sister & I because the ghost that had all that energy. It didnt like how my sister & I never got along. After that, my sister and I never argued again. Reviewed and posted by PSV
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 14:20:12 +0000

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