Title Of The Story > failure 1st Episode Characters - TopicsExpress


Title Of The Story > failure 1st Episode Characters Main Character John simelane David simelane father of John Maria simelane mother of John Mr Mnisi principal Mr Zondi Neighbour Betty Zuma Johns Girlfriend Philip manzini Johns Friend John siblings & Additional Members by Continuing of The story . The Story takes Place in Mpumalanga Nkomazi Madadeni Cold Morning, It was Around June Singing of Birds nice songs i couldnt Understand what The Birds Were singing saying. It was Monday Morning and I was still In Bed sleeping with My Young brothers something Came into my Mind as i was The Oldest Brother In The Family By That Time it was A Must do for Me To Lead my Brothers with a good example to lead Them to The Right part even when It Comes to Decision Making . But I Loved Them All, theyre My Dear brothers . Sound Knocking of my Door John ...John . I answered in A low Voice or Didnt know That was My father knocking . Dad John answered . Please Come Out I wanna send you To Accompany my cows to The wilderness so That They can Eat as we all Do . john Woke up and did as His Father Instructed him so My Father ( David) when He was Young . He once wanted to Be a mechanic . A well Qualified One but due to How things Rolled it was Just Morethan A fantasy in His Mind . My dad was born in Swaziland then He Moved to south Africa. He Completed matric but never Continued with school . I used to Ask Him dad What Was Your Favourite subject During Your school Times and guess what My Dad was Good with Biology but he loved Mathematics . In grade 11 dad was Granted a Top Student in Achievement He actually got 99% in Mathematics and Biology that was phenomenal pass. Actually my Father Had A great and strong Foundation to enter mechanical engineering with mathematics . But unfortunately Things didnt go as he wanted . He couldnt make it to Varsity . I was Back from The Bush . Actually my friend (Philip) went with Me To The Bush , we gone to The Bush to Accompanying Infuyo Kalawa on Our way Back due To unforeseen circumstances we were chased by A snake Horrible . We couldnt see it clearly but Philip says That Snake was a Mamba personally i didnt Buy That we got Home Philip went to His Home : Uhambe Kakhe Mngani wami . Usale mngani. (John .John ........JOHN ...John....johhhhnn ) my father was Actually calling me I Thought he wanted to send me somewhere or maybe he wants something I replied Yebo Baba Come Here My Big Boy . I came Running After Heard dad calling me Big Boy we set down . John My Child I Love you : Theres This Thing I wanna Tell you now and I know That you Listen to your father well . as Youre going to standard 8 which is Grand 10 i want you To choose or Take sciences studies. I wanna see you working as a Mechanical engineer . I couldnt Ask Why ... Was so Bored ( John John John mom ( Maria ) Voice was Calling Me ) John Go to your Mother she Wants you. I stood up and went to my mother on my way (/ John Talking to himself ) I was so confused why would Dad expect me to take sciences . I dont want to take sciences . I wanna Be a Journalist . To Be Continued ....
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 06:27:38 +0000

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