Title: So tired of the same outcome By: Strategythepoet - TopicsExpress


Title: So tired of the same outcome By: Strategythepoet Wettingitup Withseductivepoetry You gave up on me.... Turned and walked away.. Leaving me alone on our first Sweetest Day.. Im no stranger to loneliness.... Plus Im a soldier so I will be ok.. For I am a bull headed Tarus born in the Month of May... Who loved bringing that poetic seduction your way.... When I first visited you I was so addicted that I wanted to stay.. Then you tested me one day... Not knowing Id already began testing you.... Thinking the joke was on me when it was in fact on you... Playing games like 2 kids... Yes thats some petty shit we both did.. But I forbid... To let any unnecessary anger or disappointment to invade.. Now I cant even get you to respond to a text or even call.. Look at the damn mess we have made!!!!!! We went from frequent phone calls to none at all... Not trusting each other because of past relationships.... Which was our down fall... Am I happy about the outcom of it all.. HELL NAW!!!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 18:53:11 +0000

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