Title-The Nine Attributes of the Buddha & Story Demonstrating the - TopicsExpress


Title-The Nine Attributes of the Buddha & Story Demonstrating the Attributes of the Buddha The Buddha is endowed with the Nine Supreme Attributes; and those who happen to see and hear the Buddha’s Teachings can gain knowledge and peace of mind; therefore the Buddha is highly honored and adored by those who take refuge in Him. The jewels like diamond, gold and silver, etc., are great in value. The owner of these jewels enjoys peace and happiness only in the present life whereas those who happen to see and take refuge in the Buddha enjoy peace and happiness not only in the present live but also in the future lives. So, the Buddha is the most valuable treasure. As the precious jewels such as ruby, diamond, etc., are incomparable in value with other human utilities, so also the Buddha is incomparable with any other person in morality, concentration, and wisdom. Therefore, the Buddha is an incomparable treasure in the whole universe. It is extremely difficult to come across the fully-enlightened person known as the Buddha. So, the Buddha is the most difficult to see. As the precious jewels like diamond and ruby are owned and utilized not by poor people but by rich people. So also the Buddha-treasure can be revered and worshipped not by ordinary persons but by the noble ones who have accumulated a great deal of merit. Therefore, the Buddha is the most honorable, the most precious, the incomparable, the most rare and the most worthy (for the noble ones) treasure in the whole Universe. The Nine Attributes of the Buddha are: So Bhagava Itipi (Bhagava = the Buddha or the most exalted One) 1-Araham, 2-Sammasambuddho, 3-Vijjacaranasampanno, 4-Sugato, 5-Lokavidu, 6-Anuttaropurisadammasarathi, 7-Satta devamanussanam, 8-Buddho, and 9-Bhagava. Meaning: 1-The Buddha is known as Araham because He is worthy of special veneration by all men, devas and brahmas. 2-The Buddha is known as Sammasambuddho because He has fully realized all that should be known by Himself. 3-The Buddha is known as Vijjacaranasampanno because He is proficient in supreme knowledge and in the practice of morality. 4-The Buddha is known as Sugato because He speaks only what is true and beneficial. 5-The Buddha is known as Lokavidu because He knows all the three Lokas, namely Satta-Loka, the animate world of living-beings, Sankhara-Loka, the world of conditioned things, and Okasa-Loka, the planes of existences. 6-The Buddha is known as Anuttaropurisadammasarathi because He is incomparable in taming those who deserve to be tamed. 7-The Buddha is known as Satta devamanussanam because He is the guiding teacher of all devas, men and brahmas. 8-The Buddha is known as Buddho because He Himself is the Enlightened One, and He can enlighten others. 9-The Buddha is known as Bhagava because He is the most exalted One. Stories Demonstrating the Attributes of the Buddha The following is the story demonstrating the Attributes of the Buddha. ___The Story of the Wealthy Man, Anathapindika___ https://facebook/notes/buddhism-for-beginners/story-demonstrating-the-attributes-of-the-buddha/640667702656688 The above mentioned story provides some examples of the Attributes of the Buddha. Paying homage to the Buddha, reflecting on the virtues of the Buddha, paying mental devotion to the Buddha who is endowed with major marks and minor marks of a Great Man, etc., are called Buddhanussati Bhavana. If a person steadfastly concentrates his mind on Buddhanussati Bhavana (It is also a kind of Samatha Bhavana like Anapana), he will be overwhelmed with delightful satisfaction. Owing to the reflection on the virtues of the Buddha, he will be free from the hindrances such as greed (Lobha), anger (Dosa), etc., and will feel happy bodily and mentally. His mind will be active and pure. If he keeps on contemplating on the arising and perishing of his delightful satisfaction stage by stage or on the arising and perishing nature of mind and matter, he will attain Nibbana.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:47:27 +0000

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