Title: Two Is Better Than One Chapter: Eighteen (Part - TopicsExpress


Title: Two Is Better Than One Chapter: Eighteen (Part 2) Stella’s POV As I looked up I saw a little cottage coming into view. “Hey, what’s that?” I pointed up ahead. “Oh, hey I remember that!” Blake said. “That building is where they used to have activities and food for hikers. In the summer this place would be packed and that cottage would be open to so many people. There would be something different inside every day. You wanna go see if it’s open? I don’t know if they still do festivals around this area anymore.” We walked up to the cottage and the steps creaked with every slight pressure. There was a big red paper plastered from inside the door’s window. “NO TRESPASSING” it read. “I used to have so many memories here during the summer.” Blake whispered as he cupped the window and looked inside. I copied his action and inside the cottage was a spacious place with a stage in the far right corner. “I wish I could show you inside.” He said as he continued to peer inside. I looked at the knob and was tempted to try and see if it was locked. I reached for it and the door opened with ease. “Blake.” He looked at me at the sound of my voice then down at my hand on the knob. He held onto the side of the door and opened the door wider. “Are you sure it’s ok to go inside, Blake?” I called after him as he stepped inside the very dusty and old place. “No one’s even out here, c’mon Stella.” He motioned me over to follow him. I looked around the building as I stepped in. Blake walked up the dusty steps that led to the stage and stepped into the center of it. I smiled and stood in front of the stage and looked up at him. “We used to have talent shows up here. I was in one of them.” He pointed to himself with confidence. I laughed. “Oh really? Show me what you got!” I tested him. He smirked. He cleared his voice and held a finger up as he prepared himself. I smiled at him as he took deep breaths. He opened his mouth and started to sing Bruno Mars’s song Just the Way You Are. The smile didn’t leave my lips as he continued to sing the words. He didn’t once loose eye contact with me as he sang in front of me. He and his brother had completely different singing voices. Justin’s was soulful and deep. Blake’s was relaxing and simple. Blake moved his arms around as he sang and walked closer to the edge until he was kneeling down and caressing my chin. As he sang out the last line he smiled and bent down to kiss me. I went on my tippy toes and he bent himself lower as we met in the middle for a kiss. After we left the cottage the path ended only a few steps away. We headed into the car and relaxed in the back seat as we ate snacks in our backpacks. “So what’d you think of that talent show? You think I could have won?” He asked as he stuffed the cheese sandwich in his mouth. “Of course. First place baby!” I smiled. He arched a brow at me. “Are you just saying that?” I glared at him. “Every time I compliment you why do you always question it? When I tell you something I mean it Blake, why would I say something I don’t mean?” Blake shrugged as he took another bite. “People say things they don’t mean.” I shook my head. “I’m your girlfriend though, I need to be honest with you right?” We were sitting across from each other in the back seat with our feet tangled over each other. Blake put his feet down and scooted closer to me. I placed the apple slice in my mouth and let him pick me up and be placed on his lap. “What?” I say as he hugs my waist. “I love you!” He says it like a little kid and closes his eyes as he puckers his lips up at me desperately. I laugh. “You’re too cute to say no to.” I say before leaning down and planting a kiss on his puckered lips. I tasted the cheese in his mouth and the combination of the apple and cheese wasn’t the best. I pulled away and grabbed my water to drain it down. We sat in the back of the car for a while and let the sound of nature fill the whole car. I wanted to rest my head on Blake’s shoulder so I wiggled myself to get comfortable on his lap. Blake grunts as I wiggled my hips. “What are you trying to do Stella?” my eyebrows perk up. “What am I doing?” I look at him as I stopped my actions. “What are you trying to do rubbing your ass against my crotch babe?” He chuckled. I blush. “Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was doing that I was just trying to get comfortable.” I looked away from his gaze. “It’s alright, you can continue. I didn’t say stop did I?” He smirked down at me. “Blake!” I swatted his chest playfully. He just laughed and held his hands up in surrender. I rolled my eyes and instead of wiggling my hips as I planned, I just got off his lap then sat on the seat so I could lay my head on his chest. I closed my eyes as his rapid heartbeat filled my right ear. “Why’s your heart beating so fast?” I murmur. “Cause I’m with you.” “What’s that suppose to mean?” “You make me happy, you make my nervous, and I just love having you near me.” He brought his arms around my body and rubbed my arm. “I love being near you too.” I smiled as I closed my eyes and let his heart beat relax me. It was the middle of the night when I realized I was out in the cold. At first I thought I was dreaming but I wasn’t. It was all real. I was out in me and Blake’s room’s balcony. I was only in my night gown and I didn’t know how I got out here. I was confused as I looked around me. I was currently holding onto the edge of the railings. I looked ahead and I could see a perfect view of the hills behind Jeremy’s house. I looked up and the stars were in clear view. The only way I could have ended out here without knowing was if I was sleep walking. But I haven’t sleep walked in forever. I only sleep walk if I had guilt or had done something I regretted. I looked down at my hands clutching the railing as I tried to figure out what I could have been regretful or guilty about. I mean, my life feels so right and nothing seems to be wrong. I think back at what I’ve done in the past few months. Meeting Justin and Blake that’s probably the only highlight of my life right now. Then it hit me, maybe Justin’s the reason. He’s been making me feel so guilty lately. I know he doesn’t make me feel this way on purpose but it had to be him. I had guilt that I treated him so bad. That I didn’t give him a chance. But, what was I suppose to do? I’m with Blake. Just then I felt warm hands rub at my arms. “What are you doing out here?” Blake’s husky sleepy voice whispered into my left ear. I shivered and the cold wind gave me goose bumps. “Just thinking.” Blake leaned his body against mine and I could tell he was only in his boxers cause I felt his warm skin against the very thin fabric of the night gown I was wearing. “It’s cold out here baby, how long have you been just standing here?” He rubbed my arms continuously to keep me warm even though I know he was suffering more than me. “I just needed to think. It was a beautiful night to just look out the balcony, I couldn’t miss it.” I said on the spot. I couldn’t tell him I was sleep walking. “In the middle of the night?” I sighed. I looked up at the stars and ignored Blake’s question. I stared at a random star. I talked to it in my mind. I asked it questions that I myself couldn’t answer. I asked it questions like it would actually give me answers. The star continued to shine and I stared at it. “Stella let’s go inside.” Blake tugged on my arm gently. I looked back at Blake. “Give me a few seconds, I’ll follow.” I smiled at him and he nodded as he sleepily went back inside. As I looked back up at the stars I couldn’t make out the same star I was looking at before. My eyes darted at each star trying to make out which star it was. I gave up after feeling another gush of wind. As I closed the balcony door behind me I realized that Justin was just like that star. We had a connection first, but one of us wasn’t cooperating. Blake was the one who tugged me away. But as I looked back to find that same star, and try to bring it back and have that same connection with that star it wasn’t possible cause I lost the star. I lost the star. I had to lose the star because Blake was the one I needed to go back to. (A/N: Stella’s attire for the day polyvore/cgi/set?id=715139910) We drove in separate cars to the golfing course. Blake and me in one car and Jeremy in his own. As we arrived I sat to the side and watched them. I drove with them in the golfing car and stood back. Blake said that he knew it was going to be boring for me and offered if I wanted to play as well and I shook my head, I was more of a mini golfing person. As they played their father-son game I stayed on my phone. I texted Tammy and played a few app games as I followed them like a puppy. We drove back to the main house and they said we would stay back for a while since Justin said he was coming down soon as well. I had some chips as a snack and I sat next to Blake and across from Jeremy. They talked as I finished up my chips. I didn’t want to seem like I was intruding their alone time so I excused myself and went to the back of the building and stepped out at the back patio. I saw some really pretty flowers in the plants nearby and walked up to them. I smiled as I looked at some blue colored flowers. I felt their petals under my fingertips. I bent down a little and smelt the flower to see if it had any sent. It had a really nice aroma to it but it wasn’t a strong scent. I plucked it off its stem and continued to look at it. “If you love a flower don’t pick it up, cause if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be.” The sound of Justin’s voice startles me and I spin around to look at him. “Is that a quote?” I stare at him. He nods as he walks up to me with his hands in his pockets. “It’s nice.” I say simply. I walk back up the steps to the patio and lean against the wooden railing as I feel the soft touch of the petals in between my fingers. Justin follows my lead and places his elbows on the railing and leans against it at an angle. “You must be really special.” I peer at Justin and he’s staring at the wall of the building in front of us. “Pardon?” I was confused by what he said. He takes off one elbow off the railing and puts all his weight on one elbow and looks up at me. “I said you must be really special. Usually when me or Blake have a relationship it only comes down to only meeting mom. Usually they never meet Jeremy. So you must be really special to Blake for him to have the guts to bring you here.” I broke our eye contact as I continue to feel the petals in my fingertips. “Thanks I guess.” “You know, I’m a brother and a best friend of Blake’s and I’ve never seen him like this over a girl. Not even Becky and I thought he had it bad with Becky. I guess, I just wanna say that maybe you guys are meant to be. Maybe it was meant to be that you and Blake had that date the day I was meaning to ask you out. It just wasn’t meant to happen, me and you. Maybe. Maybe I could have really deep feelings for you but who knows, maybe they’ll pass by. I can’t force you to like me can I? I can’t.”He continued to look at my face and I stopped touching the flower and listened to his words closely. I looked up at him and we stared at each other for a little while. He stood up and he took steps towards me. I stood frozen in my spot. He looked down and grabbed my left hand. He sandwiched my hand in between his palms. “Make me a promise.” It was more of a demand than a question. I nodded as I signaled for him to continue. “Don’t hurt Blake. Don’t make him regret opening up to you. I can see how much he’s fallen for you. Even if it will be painful for me, stay with him and make him happy. Only thing a brother could want is a happy brother. And if he hurts you, don’t be afraid to come to me, he can’t hurt you with me in the way. I’m just looking out for Blake. And I’m also looking out for you. I’ve been looking out for you, have you noticed?” His grip on my hand tightened as he spoke. The warmth of his hand radiated against my skin, sending tingling feelings against my left hand. “Remember when we saw each other your first day in the school office? That smile we exchanged? I just want us to be like that. Friends who look after each other. I want to protect you. Don’t lose track of yourself, don’t change for anyone. If you need anyone I’ll always be here. There’s no one like you and I’d hate to see you change for the worst. I know I’m talking too much right now but I just didnt want to waist time and just get to the point right away.” He slowly let go of my hand and let it drop to my side. I looked up at him and I still looked at him without words coming out of my mouth. I was lost of words. “I don’t expect you to say anything, Stella. Don’t push yourself too much. I’ll see you around.” He gave me one of his genuine smiles and looked at me for a little while before walking past me to head back inside. I walked farther in the patio and looked at the front door, waiting for Justin to step out. A few moments later, Justin’s figure stepped out of the door I stared at. He walked up to Blake and Jeremy and greeted them. I turned away and walked back to the flower bush. I know realized what the quote Justin was telling me about meant. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation. -------------------- So i decided to post this. Ill post the next chapter if this gets 5 likes and 5 comments! So.. Comment and like away! Lol #BieberInBeanie
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:52:14 +0000

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