Title of these narrative are call ; Gateway to Global - TopicsExpress


Title of these narrative are call ; Gateway to Global Freedom ======================================================================== The three states: Delaware , Parallel Delaware , and Virtual Delaware Now , Virtual Delaware is where I start running simulations which will help us prepare for the actual transition for Delaware and Parallel Delaware . Virtual Delaware is here in the internet . This is where I use flow charts to demonstrate the macro and micro characteristics of development , _ coming soon ======================================================================== Question and answer These are some of the questions that I was ask ; my answers are as follows : Question 1-How does this plan relate to Africa ? Question 2-Will someone give money to move ? Question 3-Do we have to occupy the land? Question 4-Can we use a country in the South ? Question 5-Do we grow food there? Question 6-How can we just for the cold weather ? Question 7-How many months do we have to live there before we can vote ? Question 8-If I have to move because my community is occupied by predators why Delaware ? I will use the state of delaware as my example. Answer 5-do we need to grow food? _ coming soon Answer 4-I For example, the state of Georgia total population is approximately 9,992,167. The Black population is approximately 31% to the total . The White population is approximately 63% of the total . So , Blacks cant out vote Whites . If we try to move a majority of positive Afrocentric population , It wouldnt be practical because the actual numbers are too large . As for the state of Delaware , we can import a smaller number of Black people with Afrocentric philosophy for the state of Delaware . This shift in population would give us the ability to vote in the officials of our compatibility in the state of Delaware . Answer 3-Yes , we will have to occupy the land in America and Africa . It would my intention to work out an agreement for dual citizenship for Delaware and Parallel Delaware . Answer 2-Yes , I/we will negotiate for money , land ,and/or natural resource for exchange of new math and science technology . If I am successful , then that capital will be use for economic development . Yes , some people will be given a monitory incentive to relocate . Answer 1-Delaware is on the East coast . It has a deep water sea port which we would use for shipping our imports/export to and from Africa . Next , we will acquire land in Africa which we would own to establish a parallel state/nation for development . We would have dual citizenship for Delaware and Parallel Delaware in Africa . ========================================================================== My research indicate that there are six states Blacks people should own . Research suggest , If Blacks people put the correct strategy together , then we could own/control these six states. State Demographics 1- Rhode Island Land Area 1545 sq mi 2-Delaware Land Area sq mi 1948 population White 68% Black 21% 3-Connecticut Land Area sq mi 4842 population White xy% Black xy% 4-New Jersey Land Area sq mi 7354 population White xy% Black xy% 5-New Hampshire Land Area sq mi 8952 population White xy% Black xy% White 95% Black 1% ========================================================== If you desire good police , then you need good government. Therefore march for real change . Okay , strategies will come and strategies will go , so here is another that you should know . Delaware is the second smallest state in the United States , If Delaware was 90% percent Black , then Blacks people could vote in/out the Governor , The state of Delaware population is about 925,749 . White percent 71.15 , Black percent 22.1, median household income $59,819 , Black-owned firms , percent (2007) 8.7% , persons per square mile 460.8. ( 2010 ) . quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/10000.html If Blacks people decide to march on the state of Delaware, then buy property , land , and develop business in a few years we would be the majority with voting power for this state. ============================================================= ==================================================================
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:57:59 +0000

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