Title of this weeks Guidelines: “I was made a minister - TopicsExpress


Title of this weeks Guidelines: “I was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me.” Introduction: We are reminded last week that we are a family united to the mission of the Apostles in Paul and Peter apostles of Christ. “The life and path taken by Jesus and the Twelve, and the group of disciples who accompanied them, are the inspiration for our apostolic dynamism. Jesus formed the twelve apostles to be with him and to be sent out to preach, becoming his witnesses. The desire to form apostles among all peoples is a specific element of our charism that become the method and intention of our mission.” (VD Statutes # 40) Jesus is aware that he receives the power and authority to develop the mission that the Father entrusts to him. For this reason, HE lived as someone sent. Likewise, are you aware that you are called to be an official witness of Christ? That you can do apostolic work? The Father sends HIS Son to earth and, in turn, the Son sends his apostles. The Father entrusts to Jesus the realization of his plan, and the Church takes you upon herself the continuation of the work, initiated by Jesus. Jesus follows his Father’s plan of salvation as described in the bible. To reject the messengers is to ignore the call of the Father and to lose the greatest opportunity of one’s life --- to be a witness of Jesus. Are you aware that our charism is in function of our mission? And our mission is in function of our charism? Like Jesus, we need to be aware of our missionary identity and to help develop the mission that God has given us. To do so, it requires that we love God with all our heart and soul and neighbor as ourselves. We need to abide in the truth in the WORD of GOD no matter how difficult our circumstances in life may be. And not to fear but seek for courage and strength for Jesus has assured us to “take courage for I have conquered the world.” Likewise, we need to be ready for the transformation that would occur for the bible says “it is no longer me but Christ that lives in me”. Lastly, to be a missionary requires commitment --- a total surrender of our time, our will, our whole being as well as attachments to the things of this world. Are you ready to commit to become an ambassador of Christ? Monday “We have received a charism in order to develop the mission that God has entrusted in us.” “For this reason I, Paul came to be the prisoner of Christ for you, the non-Jews. By a revelation he gave me the knowledge of his mysterious design, as I have explained in a few words. This mystery was not made known to past generations but only now, through revelations given to holy apostles and prophets. Now the non-Jewish people share the inheritance; in Christ Jesus the non-Jews are incorporated and are to enjoy the Promise. This is the Good News of which I have become minister by a gift of God, a grace he gave me, a power that works in me. Although I am the least among all the believers, this grace was given me to announce to the pagan nations the immeasurable riches of Christ and to make clear to all how the mystery, hidden from the beginning in God, the Creator of all things, is to be fulfilled. Even the heavenly forces and powers will now discover through the church the wisdom of God in its manifold expression, as the plan is being fulfilled which God designed from the beginning in Christ Jesus, our lord. In him we receive boldness and confidence to approach God. So I ask you not to be discouraged at seeing the trials I endure for you, but rather to feel proud because of them.” (Ephesians 3: 1-3, 5-13) “There is diversity of gifts, but the Spirit is the same. There is diversity of ministries, the Lord is the same. There is diversity of works, but the same God works in all. The Spirit reveals his presence in each one with a gift which is also a service.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-7) The actualization that comes forth from the charism is the mission. God is the fountain of the various gifts granted to the church and God is also the model of how diversity may be coupled with unity. Are you aware of your gifts? Are you willing to share this for the work of the mission?
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 00:34:44 +0000

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