Tiyake o the Day: Question to My Tigray People!! Why is it that - TopicsExpress


Tiyake o the Day: Question to My Tigray People!! Why is it that some, actually most Tigray people absolutely adore and worship Meles Zenawi? I mean, is your love of your own tribe so blinding that you are willing to overlook the countless heinous acts of a brutal dictator who killed thousands of Ethiopians, jailed and tortured countless more, silenced the press, and introduced a form of Apartheid in Ethiopia? I really want to know, and though you might not believe it, I love Tigray people as my own people. But I am sick and tired of many of you being silent as Ethiopians are murdered back at home and journalists being locked up and more disgustingly celebrating the birthday of that ass Meles Zenawi instead of speaking up for your own people. Lets face it, if Meles Zenawi was not Tigray, you would not be worshiping him and if he had done to Tigray people what he did to the rest of Ethiopians, you would be up in arms and outraged. So I can only deduce that most of you are just tribalists, really no better than Donald Sterling, who love your own tribe without caring for the rest of Ethiopians. Am I wrong? Ok then prove me wrong, go ahead and condemn Meles Zenawi below. But more likely what will happen is that only non-Tigray people will press like or condemn Meles Zenawi while people from Tigray will call me all kinds of names and furthermore rush to the aid of Meles Zenawi. Which only proves my point, that you are more worried about worshiping your own kind and a dickhead dead dictator because he happens to be from Tigray than you are in standing up for justice. Lets wait and see aydel....I await hafteys and haweys::
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 21:09:59 +0000

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