Tiye Flight HH... BREAKING NEWS!!!!HH APPEARING IN - TopicsExpress


Tiye Flight HH... BREAKING NEWS!!!!HH APPEARING IN COURT: Marshal: My Lord I call the case of The People vs. Hakainde Hichilema. Judge: Mr. Hichilema, are you not represented by counsel? HH: No my Lord, I will represent myself. Judge: very well. Mr. Hichilema, you are charged with 7 counts. Count 1, it is alleged that you Hikainde Hichilema, on dates unknown, but between the year 2006 and 2014, you promised the people of Zambia that you would have a small cabinet once elected president of the Republic contrary to common practice of having a bloated cabinet. Count 2: it is alleged that you Hakainde Hichilema on a date unknown but between 15 November 2014 and 4 December 2014, you made a public statement to the effect that you would recognize Henry Sosala as Paramount Chief Chitimukulu contrary to the official government position. Count 3: it is alleged that you Haikainde Hichilema on a date unknown but sometime in December 2014, you promised to reinstate the fired nurses, state advocates and to remove the wage freeze. Count 4: That you Hakainde Hichilema on a date unknown but between November 2014 and December 2014, you promised the people of zambia that you will deliver a people driven constitution before the general elections in 2016. Count 5: That you Hakainde Hichilema promised free education and a good bursary scheme for those students at higher learning institutions. Count 6: That you Hakainde Hichilema also promised to be paying farmers on time alleging that youre a farmer and therefore understand their needs. It is also alleged that you said you will grown the economy by at least GDP of 10% and that you will reinstate the subsidies on maize and fuel. Count 7: that you Hakainde Hichilema will unite the country in the spirit of one Zambia one nation. Do you understand the charges? HH: I do my Lord. Judge: How do you plead? HH: I plead guilty my Lord. Court: By the accuseds own admission I enter a plea on guilty on all the counts. What do you have to say in mitigation? HH: My Lord, the people of Zambia have suffered for a long time. We have the natural resource, our people are well trained, we have doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, businessmen, farmers, tamangas, name them. But our people still remain poor. Why? Because of poor leadership. Wrong priorities. Too much talk and no work, no progress, no development. I have a team from across the country, I have credible people willing to work with me. I dont see how I can fail with that unity of purpose. Zambia needs to realise her potential and I want to lead that process by fulfilling those promises. I sacrifice myself to this great cause! Judge: I have heard what you have said I mitigation. I am moved but I have to apply the law of the land. I hereby sentence you to 18 months in state house effective 20 January 2015. Should you do what you have said you will, then your sentence will be extended to 2021. Court dismissed!!!!All rise!!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:43:12 +0000

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