Tmw youre tagged in a post and you got no clue how to - TopicsExpress


Tmw youre tagged in a post and you got no clue how to join. Jaylon: >_> How about you just walk around...from what i can see , you could easily just walk around in the residence. Use the excuse that you were just checking up on everyone, since max did assign you to advisor and making sure everyone is doing alright. Apollyon:....You have a good point human. Problem to that*The dragon folded his arms and rubbed his own chin as he eyebrows buried themselves.* know..I cant really find a problem to that.. Jaylon: See~ Now what would you do without me~ Apollyon: Meditate until i can find a answer...Also, we still need to find you clothes...Its been 2 months and youve had those clothes for too long. Jaylon: You know where we can get human clothes? Apollyon: Not outright human clothes..But i do know a certain nevrean vendor who can craft you clothes. Jaylon: Sweet!....The f*ck is a nevrean? Apollyon: Hmm...Think of bird like creatures that stand upright. They are highly intelligent and mostly work as shop keepers or vendors. Jaylon: Huh...birds...Well, as long as they dont try and feed me to thieir young, Im game. Apollyon: Just try not to attract to much attention...They havent seen a human in 100-200 years or so. And even though they dont eat or dislike humans, they to tend to..over react a little.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 01:05:22 +0000

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