To ALL my friends and family this is IMPORTANT. First off April is - TopicsExpress


To ALL my friends and family this is IMPORTANT. First off April is coming home tomorrow morning. Still have a ways to go but at least shell be home. Thanks so much for all of your prayers. They worked better than you know, Let me explain. When April came home from work Monday I could tell she was in bad shape and insisted we head to the ER right away. If you know her you also know how stubborn she can be and insisted that all she needed was some fresh air and some rest. She started getting upset so I gave in. Several times Monday night I again tried to get her to go to the ER but she said she was feeling a bit better though I never did believe her. I stayed awake all night keeping an eye on her and finally I dozed off about 7am. I woke up about 9:20 and asked how she was doing. She insisted she was better but I knew she wasnt so I again mentioned the ER at which she again got upset and said no shed be fine. Thats when I got pissed and said something that made her think and a few minutes later she said youre right maybe we should go. Im telling you she was in rough shape and I was going to call an ambulance but little Miss I Dont Want To Spend The Money started getting upset again so I just put her in the car and drove her myself. Anyway once we got to the ER about 10:30 they started treating her almost immediately but it really didnt seem to do much good so they admitted her to continue treatment and try to find out what was wrong. Anyway to shorten this up for you on Thursday her Dr. came in and asked her how old she was. When she told him he said and I quote, No you are only 3 days old because you SHOULD HAVE DIED ON TUESDAY. She has since promised me to never argue with me again should I think she needs to go and Im asking ALL OF YOU to do the same. If something is seriously wrong do not wait to get checked go to the ER or your DR. ASAP. Always remember there are people who love you and want to keep you around. I almost lost my wife on Tuesday dont be stubborn and cost your loved ones someone they love. Once again my sincerest thanks for all of your prayers. Only God knew how truly important they were.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:23:53 +0000

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