To All Christians reading this: God has appointed you his - TopicsExpress


To All Christians reading this: God has appointed you his watchmen. It is your duty to warn others when you see the signs. There is no middle ground. If they choose to ignore you, you are blameless, but if you fail to sound the alarm the stain of their blood shall be upon your soul and you will be called to account for failing to do your duty as The Lord has commanded. I urge every one to read the book of Daniel and pay particular attention to the statue depicted. I also urge you to read the book of Revalations very carefully. I am not saying I know the date but I believe wholeheartedly that the time is near. I have never been what I considered to be a religious person but lately I keep getting drawn back to these two books and this subject when I am doing things unrelated to religion in any way. I believe it is The Lord guiding me and giving me a chance to redeem myself. I also believe that if you open your mind to him and look for it you will see that The Lord communicates with you in the method you are most likely to receive. It may be in the form of a particular sentence in a news broadcast that jumps out and grabs you or it could be in the form of direct communication. You just have to be willing to listen. If I am wrong there is no harm done by being prepared. Jesus told his disciples to watch and so must you for no man can knoweth the hour of his return. I think I was chosen because I always kept the faith inside me and because I have been diagnosed with PTSD. I say this because you must earn your salvation and when you hear something like this from someone like me it will be much easier for you to blow me off as crazy. I am one of the least likely to carry his message in society is what everyone will think. But I say unto you there is truth in my words. Do not allow yourself to be lulled to sleep any longer. There is much evil abroad in this world today. Do not be lured into hell by false prophets like Edgar Casey or Nostrodomus. A true prophet does not make mistakes. The Bible is the only document that matters. I pray you take heed before it is too late. The Bible tells of Israel being reborn in an instant and it has come to pass. It further goes on to say that the generation who witnesses this will not pass before The Lord comes again. It is getting close to the end of that generation now and look around you. Does this weather seem any kind of normal to you? What do you think it is doing to winter crops? How many people will go hungry when food prices spike? Why has not one news organization even mentioned this? Think how fast society will break down if food becomes scarce! That line of reasoning put a different perspective on the rumors of FEMA camps beginning to be activated for me. Be careful of the place you worship in. There is no deviation from the Lords word. If you pastor deviates from the teachings of the bible leave that church immediately for it is not a house of The Lord. There can be no blending of the religions. We do not pray to the same God as some will tell you. Only one is the True God and that is the Hebrew God all others are not God and therefore must be an agent of Satan. His chosen people are the Jews. Do not persecute or make war with them. He will not allow them to be scattered in the world again. He has made allowances for Gentiles such as myself through his son Jesus Christ. There is no other way to salvation except through him. Just going to church does not make you a Christian. You must give yourself to him and allow him to work through you. You must not allow yourself to take the mark of the beast. Neither in your forehead or your right hand as this will be your doom. You must be willing to die if that is what it takes. I know that if I am correct I have just marked myself for torment by virtue of writing this and that by doing so I am placing my family in mortal danger but it is required of me to do so and I gladly except the consequences because that is the only way my family will reach the promised land. I pray I am wrong. It is incumbent upon you to seek out the truth for yourself. Take no mans word for it not even mine. You are free to ignore this if you want, but I say unto you that you do so at your own peril. You can unfriend me if you like. Tonight I have finally begun to do my duty and hold no ill will towards you if you do or if you reject my message. I will continue to pray for the Lords guidance in this and humbly ask you to do the same. I ask this of you in Jesus name. Amen. The Lord be with you and yours through these troubled times.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:21:32 +0000

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