To All Muslim Ummah Today at 10:57 AM Assalamu Alaikum - TopicsExpress


To All Muslim Ummah Today at 10:57 AM Assalamu Alaikum Overview of the Surah Surah Al-Falaq is a Makki Surah. It is composed of 5 ayahs, and it is surah no 113 according to the arrangement of Mushaf. In this surah, we seek refuge with Allah from all forms of bad or evil that are around us. The purpose of seeking refuge is twofold: Seeking refuge from the evil that has already taken place, and seeking refuge from the evil that might take place in future. When we face difficulty in life and fear that someone or something might harm us, we should not lose hope and recite this surah regularly. This entire surah is an excellent dua`. We use this duà to seek Allah`s help in making affairs easy for us and in overcoming the difficulties. This surah along with surah An-Nas are called Al-Mu’awwidhatain because the Muslim uses this to fortify himself against Shaitan, magic and envy. Selected Vocabulary Tafisr This surah is teaching us that we should take refuge and shelter in Allah from: The evil of the night when its darkness spreads and covers everything. This is because the likelihood of evil at that time is greater and avoiding it is more difficult. For that reason, we seek fortification in Allah so that He may protect us from the evil of the night and what it contains of afflictions and distress. It also means to seek protection from the darkness of anything bad – for example the darkness of poverty, the darkness of difficulty, ignorance, bad influence and so on. We should seek refuge from any darkness that makes it difficult for us to see the right guidance. From the evil of the females as well as the male magicians who tie knots and blow on them with the intention to cast evil spells on their targets. From the evil of the envier when he envies. Envy (hasad) is an evil character trait that afflicts the soul of the envier when he sees the one he envies has received some blessing or some good from Allah. For then, the envier desires that it be taken away from him. Our own envy harms us because we become mean and unkind to those who we envy. Similarly, envy of other people can harm us as an envious person may make our lives difficult. Envy is an evil action, and it was the first sin by which Allah (swt) was disobeyed, for when Allah honored Adam, Iblis envied him. This led him to plot against Adam and envy him. Also, this was the first crime committed on the earth when the son of Adam (AS) became jealous of his brother; this led him to kill him. Therefore, we seek protection of Allah from all these types of evils. Lesson and Reflections This surah offers us many lessons and reflections, including the following: Protection should be sought with Allah from every evil. Jealousy is a dangerous disease and a sin against Allah (swt). Magic is one of the entryways to disbelief, and it is a major sin. According to many scholars it is not merely a major sin that leads to kufr, but actually constitutes kufr in and of itself. Activity Find two Adadith which prohibit jealousy. Wasslaam
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:57:24 +0000

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