To All Muslims particularly in Egypt now you have to follow Al - TopicsExpress


To All Muslims particularly in Egypt now you have to follow Al Mahdi By: Maged Taman As I told you before I am Al Mahdi and if I am a crazy guy Al Sisi and his media would say publicly this guy who is me is crazy and not Al Mahdi. As well you do not have a strong proof I am not him. Besides people who believe I am Al Mahdi may tell you in secret not public since they are afraid something will happen to me. This is another strong proof. Nothing will happen to me it is a prophecy even if I got shot I will survive until at least I finish my mission of 7 years or so. Besides I have many ways to protect myself some you may already know. One of them a lot of police officers and soldiers know me now no one of them will be Muslim and ruin his eternity by arresting Al Mahdi. Even Al Sisi guys have inner feeling that I could be Al Mahdi and they are just hoping I will go away. They do not know how to handel me. Going back to why you need to follow me. This is an order from the prophet and clear one. Al Mahdi was sent to be followed not attacked, resisted or ignored. It is a very important religious duty. Even if you pray day and night God will not accept it if you do not support Al Mahdi. It is like Jihad if to say Irhab or terror like the fake Muslims and pro-tyrants Muslims scholars. It is very clear in Islam if you have jihad against oppression it is not terror. This is what the Zionists media is using any Muslim to attempt Jihad against oppression they say terrorists and the Arab tyrants love that word and use the same solgan. Do you remember Mubarak emergency law who he changed to the terror law so he can win the west support and stay in power longer. OK now again plain and clear you have to stand with me and support Al Mahdi. Time to reconsider Isalm if it is truely from God or not and to read in Islamic prophecies. You have my face book you can read over and over before January 25,2014 and my blog jesussecondcoming dot blogspot dot com. You will ask why the American government did not take my blod and facebook down because many of the Christians believe in Al Mahdi in their prophecies but do not like to stand with him. So they want you but better with no much followers until they have the rupture. So if you go to my blog in thousands you will find only the counter will give you very few numbers since is controlled by the Americans which is a fourth proof I am Al Mahdi. A fifth proof I tried to contact the Muslims scholars in Saudi and they refused to have me seen publicly or even discuss the issue as an order from their king. Six proof I look exactly like the prophet described to us how Al Mahdi will look like. I have as well many other proofs among them the prophecy in the old testament about a servant who will change the world and people will not see his face for years. Thus to all Muslims all over the world. I am Al Mahdi and if you do not follow me I will be your enemy in the day of judgement and I will enjoy seeing you in hell since people who are standing with me are dying now. One last time follow me and follow your true Islam. Al Mahdi
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 08:57:44 +0000

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