To All My Many Police Officer Friends Still On The Job: Please - TopicsExpress


To All My Many Police Officer Friends Still On The Job: Please read my heartfelt response to a high school friend in regards to the assassination of the two New York PD officers yesterday and what I think about how the public is so quick to condemn the law enforcement community these days. It is my perspective of the job as a former cop and my way of thanking you for the job you do. (Pasted Response Below/Sorry For Being So Long) Russ Fuller, what I am about to say comes after doing the job for many years myself. It is not a bad job at first. In fact, it was one of the most exciting times of my life when I first started out as a rookie and was still in the learning process. It is a job where you never stop learning. Even old timers still learn something new everyday. For those who are in it for the right reasons, the job is very gratifying. It is a good feeling to help others and to feel that you are helping to keep the public safe. After the new wears off, and when you have been there and done that several times, the job starts taking its toll on many officers. You find yourself getting tired of dealing with other peoples crap and basically being a public referee. For me, I started getting burned out around my ten year mark. I found myself becoming impatient with people and caught myself becoming quick tempered. I also developed a new friend, Mr. Anxiety. For years I took pride in being able to separate work and my personal life. Things I saw and dangerous situations started to stick with me through flashbacks and finding the close what if situations not being so exciting and fun anymore. It was at that time I knew it was time to get out of the law enforcement game. With that said, I treasure my many years of being on the job and wouldnt take anything for it. I also developed a deeper admiration for the friends who I left behind who still keep our streets safe. A lot of those friends are still close who I consider family. One of the things I treasure the most with my current job as a law firm investigator is still being able to stay in contact with my law enforcement brothers and sisters who help me daily with my new job. Mr. Anxiety is still around and haunts me on a daily basis, but all in all, Im proud to call myself a former cop. Hell, it is part of my self identity. I am also thankful that the ones who are still putting it on the line on a daily basis are still there, and proud to be able to call them my good friends. Even though there are a few bad apples out there, for the most part, they are good people who are doing a job they are proud of, which is to serve and protect us as citizens. God bless the boys and girls in blue & brown...
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:48:52 +0000

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