To All my beloved family,daughter,friends and to all my beloved - TopicsExpress


To All my beloved family,daughter,friends and to all my beloved fellowman I wanna share to you the message that our Ptr.Eric shared us the message of Gods Great commission to all of us... if you dont mind pls allow me to share to you the topic that Ptr.Eric shared his message its about Gods Greatest Commission to his 11 Desciples because the other one desciple kill himselp for betraying Jesus for 30Lires , before Jesus dies he command his desciples to go,preach,baptize and make desciples all the nation in Mateo 28:18-20...Thank you Alexandro for i met you here and so i have the chance to share to you the Gods word from the bible..all have sinned evil thoughts,anger,selfishness,hatred,evil desires,envy,pride lies and so on that we enhiret to our ancestors grand parent its Adam and Eve and Sin separates us from God u can read that in the bible Isaiah 59:2 ,the wages of sin is death Romans 6:23 spiritual death-eternal suffering and eternal separation from God 2Thessalonians 1:9..There is no good work performed by man which God will accept as payment for sin.What then,does God require to pay for our sins?While we were yet sinners,Jesus Christ died for us in Romans 5:8..When Christ was burried,He did not stay dead.He rose again from the grave a living saviour.1Corenthians 15:4 God has accepted what Jesus did and we may go free and have eternal life.But how is this? We must accept Jesus Christ as his personal saviour..John 1:12 But as many as recieved Him,to them gave he the right to be called the sons of God. .....Jesus said ,Be hold I stand at the door(of your heart) and knock.If anyman hear My voice and open the door,I will come into him. ...Revelation 3:20... Will you accept Him now into your heart? If this is your desire,pls pray this suggested prayer.Lord Jesus,I realize I am a sinner.I Ask you to forgive me of my sins.I, now recieve You as my Saviour and Lord,Amen...You are now become a child of God.You are new creation in Christ.There are four basic things that will help you to grow in Christ and to show forth His Lordship in your life: Bible study,prayer,obedience and witnessing.Do not be ashamed of your faithin Christ He said whoever declares publicly that he belongs to me,I will do the same for him before my Father in heaven Mathew 10:32.. 1John 5:13 Eternal life is yours the moment you believe. God Bless You...
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:49:37 +0000

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